401Gives To Charlestown’s Environment

What: 401Gives Statewide Day of Giving
April 1, 2024 (4-01!) (April 1, 6:00am through April 2, 6:00pm)
Why: 401Gives brings people together to make a difference for local nonprofits that protect our beautiful community that is so rich in natural resources. 401Gives unites and offers everyone a safe, comfortable, and familiar virtual fundraising experience all while giving nonprofits unrestricted funds that strengthen our community.

Choosing these organizations for 401Gives can help to preserve and protect our local environment. Below are local organizations that are participating in 401Gives. Gifts to any of these organizations can make a positive difference in our local environment.

Click on the linked name of an organization below to go to their 401Gives page to make a donation. You can give to as many as you want. Or go the the 401Gives main page to search for these and other organizations.

A trail in the Francis Carter Preserve
A trail in the Francis Carter Preserve

Give the Gift of Land

The Charlestown Land Trust – Charlestown’s land trust preserves and protects the distinctive character of our local area through acquisition and management of open space.

Photo of Frosty Drew Milky Way by Scott MacNeill
Frosty Drew & Milky Way

401 Give to the Moon and the Stars

Frosty Drew Observatory and Science Center – The Frosty Drew Observatory has numerous telescopes and accessories for viewing the skies above. It is their mission to enlighten, discover, inspire – through education and research – knowledge about science, the night sky, and the universe.

Photo of Ninigret Pond
Ninigret Pond

Give Healthy Salt Ponds

Salt Ponds Coalition – A gift to the Salt Ponds Coalition is a great way to help ensure the health and vitality of the coastal ponds that form the southern border of Charlestown. The Salt Ponds Coalition engages in many year-round activities including habitat protection and restoration, free public education and programming, water quality monitoring and more.