On The Wing Exhibit Opening Reception

When: Saturday, May 20 from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Where: Kettle Pond Visitors Center, Bend Road, Charlestown
What: An opening reception for the exhibit by the New England Chapter of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators

This exhibit of Natural Science Illustrators explores migratory birds and butterflies and their habitat. The 12 artists represented live in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut and use a variety of media.

  • Demonstrations by members
  • A bird walk at 1:15 p.m.
  • Tour of native plant garden at 2 p.m.

Come and view the exhibit, explore the refuge and see why it is important. This area is part of one of the main migratory flyways, the Atlantic Flyway, that concentrates migrants along the northeastern seaboard.

The illustrations will be on exhibit from May 20 to August 25.

This illustration and banner image by Frances Topping, one of the exhibitors in this show.

Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge, Salt Pond Unit and Kettle Pond Forested Upland Unit, one of five national wildlife refuges in Rhode Island, consists of 858 acres of diverse upland and wetland habitats including grasslands, shrub lands, wooded swamps and freshwater ponds, and coastal habitat. These are habitat for refueling, nesting and pollinating plants.