Mark Stankiewicz’s Forced Resignation On Monday’s Town Council Agenda
When: Monday, January 23, at 7 p.m.
Where: Charlestown Town Hall
What: IMPORTANT Town Council Meeting
On the agenda for this important meeting is what is being called the “possible” resignation by Mark Stankiewicz, our Town Administrator. During the meeting, the Town Council may convene into executive session for discussion, possible action, and/or vote regarding Mark’s resignation; the Council will then return to open session.
Do not be fooled! This is a FORCED, not a voluntary, resignation.
Mark has served the town masterfully for ten years and has no desire to leave. He is being forced out to avoid being fired because of ongoing difficulties with the Council President unrelated to his outstanding performance as Town Administrator.
In every performance review during Mark’s ten years, the Town Council has judged his performance as being superior in all areas of responsibility. However, the minutes of the special meeting on April 11, 2022, regarding Mark and his yearly performance review clearly document the rift between certain members of the Town Council and Mark.
Given his great service to the town, it is clearly in the town’s best interest to have Mark continue in his role as Town Administrator. He should not be forced out because of the inability of certain Council members to set aside petty differences and work with him for the good of the town.
Mark is the best Town Administrator Charlestown has ever had. Mark’s departure would be a tragic loss for Charlestown.
Dedicated to Charlestown, Mark is a skilled manager and has elevated Charlestown as a well respected municipality in Rhode Island, always working at the direction of the Town Council.
When he arrived in February 2013, there was an acrimonious atmosphere within Town Hall and low morale among staff that limited the ability of the organization to function effectively.
- Mark has transformed our Town Hall organization by establishing a standard for staff professionalism, development, recruitment, and retention, all while maintaining consistency and promoting departmental excellence without micro-managing.
- Mark has consistently maintained, in collaboration with the Budget Commission and the Town Treasurer, a tax rate that is one of the lowest in the state. Our financial management department is supported, and a financial review of processes and procedures is expected shortly.
- The true coach that he is, Mark encourages his team to flourish. Charlestown is recognized as an innovator because of the work of Joe Warner (our zoning and building official), Steve McCandless (head of our GIS department), Matt Dowling (director of our wastewater management department), and others.
- A study of risks facing the town was initiated by Mark and a written Fund Balance Policy developed.
- He initiated an outside evaluation of the town’s information technology needs and established an IT Department that allowed the town to remain open during the pandemic and to be one of the few towns in the state to pass its budget on time during Covid-19.
- The Police Department has been accredited, twice, and the Ambulance Rescue is now on good financial ground.
- The Town-wide Community Survey was completed in October 2021, so residents have spoken.
- We have a 20-year Comprehensive Plan developed under the direction of Jane Weidman and approved by Statewide Panning, an updated Harbor Management Plan under the direction of former harbormaster Justin Vail, and an adopted Hazard Mitigation Plan, which is in the process of being updated for a second time.
- Mark coordinated the ChurchWoods affordable housing project and affordable workforce housing in Shannock. And more.
These are just a few of the many excellent contributions Mark has made to our town.
On Monday night let’s applaud Mark for all the good he has done for our town! Please come out to support Mark and let him know how much we value his service and object to his being forced out. We don’t know what the outcome of the executive session will be, so your presence is needed and will make a difference.
Also on the agenda:
- A new master plan for Ninigret Park.
- Reviewing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Town and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
- Resolution in support of making the Sand Trail (Spring Avenue in Westerly) a public right of way.
- Discussion of where the manufacture and sale of Cannabis should happen in our town.
- The need to upgrade the audio/video system at Town Hall.
Banner photo was taken at the CRMC kick off of the Ninigret Breachway dredging and salt marsh restoration project in Charlestown.
January 27, 2023 @ 2:24 pm
The forced resignation of the best town administrator Charestown has ever had has had little or no effect on some of the town council members. I can only hope the people (I know who they are) who forced Mark out are ousted in the next election and I will host the party that celebrates their ouster.
January 23, 2023 @ 3:00 pm
I am opposed to having our Town Administrator leave, unless it is his decision. I agree he has done great service while in his capacity. No Administrator is perfect, and with various Councils to appease it’s a difficult situation at times. I trust the Council will use sound judgment in this matter. Thankyou