Michael Chambers: Charlestown Shows Its Spirit With Cleanup

The following letter was published in local newspapers and is shared with us here by the author Michael Chambers. Michael is a member of the Charlestown Economic Improvement Commission and a former member of the Charlestown Zoning Board of Review.

On Saturday, April 23, Charlestown held its Spring Roadside Cleanup Day. So for one day, at least, unsightly litter is gone and people can enjoy how truly beautiful the main thoroughfares and secondary roads in Charlestown are. It seems that the cleanup crews come from a variety of sources. Besides those residents participating in the town’s campaign, people observing Earth Day, officially set for Friday, and individual landowners who regularly keep their street areas free of litter have effectively combined to make Charlestown roads as clean as they have ever been.

There are indications that the cleanup days and discussions of littering on social media have had a long-term effect on the behavior of drivers on our roads. Much of the litter can be the result of carelessness or lack of attention. We have seen less random litter on the roads. Even the beer cans, energy drink containers and nip bottles seem to have decreased. However, this latter type of litter — deliberate litter — needs to be addressed. Somehow drinking and driving needs to be stopped. Litter is just the end-product of a more serious set of bad behaviors.

Congratulations to all who have participated. You all have done something positive for your neighbors, neighborhoods, and the town as a whole. The level of commitment to keeping Charlestown beautiful is one of the most admirable aspects of living here. We are a community that cares about our neighborhoods. There is a lot to like about Charlestown and its community spirit is one of those things.

Michael Chambers

The banner image is a photo of nips collected from New Biscuit City Road in Charlestown.

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