Charlestown Extraction Industry Location Map
The map below shows the locations of extractive industries in Charlestown. These are operations removing sand, gravel or rock. The operations on the different parcels are quite varied. Quarrying and all other extractive industries are a prohibited use in Charlestown, but most existing quarries predate that zoning. State law “grandfathers” these quarries and protects them from regulation. Charlestown first adopted zoning in 1974. Quarries that existed before zoning was enacted in 1974 are “grandfathered” by state law.
Click on the red tool tip to read the name of the owner and the Map/Lot location of the parcel being extracted. You can switch the map to satellite view to see forest and wetland features.
Shoreline Gravel Co.
Map 23/Lot 28-1
South County Sand and Gravel
Map 7/Lot 59
Peckham Charlestown Farms LLC
Map 24/Lot 4
Botka Construction Inc.
Map 27/Lot 46
Main St. Capital LLC
Map 10/lot 144-1
South County Sand and Gravel
Map 16/Lot 130
M&M Gravel
Map 16/Lot 212
October 22, 2023 @ 9:54 am
Living on Laurel Road has become a loud and dusty nightmare. Bought our house in 1989 – the quarry on Klondike Road was not active and was told that it would stay inactive and it was, for many years. Now it is very active and the dump trucks speed in and out all day long.
Why are there 2 extraction facilities allowed to be so close to one another? The one on Klondike and the one on Ross Hill Road?
Constant noise & dump trucks speeding in and out of both of these locations. There will be a terrible traffic accident one of these days. These trucks slam on their brakes all day long and probably would not be able to stop, if they had to, in an emergency situation.