Spring Equinox Drone Flight From Blue Shutters To Quonochontaug Pond
On March 21, the first full day of Spring, Bob Petrone flew his drone to take advantage of that perfect spring day. There were few people walking the beach and the sky was a deep blue with no wind. The YouTube video below will bring the viewer on a 7 minute ride along the Quonnie coast from Blue Shutters to the Quonochontaug Breachway and pond.
April 1, 2021 @ 5:44 am
Thank you so much for sharing the beauty of our beach and our town. It warmed my heart to watch and hear the ocean.
March 31, 2021 @ 11:56 am
Wonderful video Bob. Thank you for demonstrating how fortunate we are to live here and enjoy the great town that we live in.We have to do everything we can to hold on to this precious place. Thanks to the Charlestown Citizens Alliance for presenting the video on their site.
March 31, 2021 @ 11:13 am
Thanks Bob,
You have captured the beauty of this coastline.
March 31, 2021 @ 10:03 am
Beautiful. A lovely reminder of the stunning place I call home. A million thanks!
March 26, 2021 @ 11:55 pm
Thank you, Bob! Your response is most helpful. Checked out the Mini 2 and it is impressive.
Hope you will continue to post your wonderful coastal videos.
March 26, 2021 @ 10:15 am
The drone is a DJI Mini. The camera takes 2.7 K video. It can take 14 meg photos.
DJI just came out with the DJI Mini 2 that can take 4K video. It also has zoom capability.
They both only weigh about 9 ounces so they do not need to be registered.
March 26, 2021 @ 1:31 am
Thank you for creating and posting this wonderful drone view of our coast. I have enjoyed previous flights by Mr. Petrone as well. I wonder if he might be willing to share the name of the drone model and something about the camera it uses?