Quonnie Beach Scenes From The Lens Of A Drone
Bob Petrone has created this beautiful video using a drone at Charlestown’s amazing shore. A good reminder of how lucky we are to live here. Thank you Bob! (Turn on the audio, the video has the sounds of the waves and lovely music too)
August 12, 2020 @ 5:59 pm
Thank you Bob Petrone for this relaxing video. After spending many years at Quonnie, a bird’s eye view is a great recollection of the beautiful beach at low tide.
August 30, 2022 @ 10:40 pm
Hi, Ellen . .
Saw your comment on Quonnie . . Brought back many memories of when we were kids and would cross the breachway at low tide or caught blue shells in the shallows.
Hope you are well . . Cheryl too.
March 30, 2020 @ 2:27 pm
Beautiful. My family had a summer home in Quonnie since the early 1920’s. I built a home there in the late 1970’s and lived there till I retired and moved to Maine 25 years ago. Walked the beach in the winters and would swim in the summer. Wonderful memories.
March 30, 2020 @ 10:35 am
Thank you for this very beautiful video and music to match. I grew up in CT, but my father took us every summer to the Rhode Island shoreline. I now live in RI and just want to say thank you for this breathtaking video of Quonnie…Eileen
March 30, 2020 @ 10:28 am
I think we as a Town and a beach community need to be careful with allowing drone use. It is an invasion of privacy, it is annoying to listen to and it is not something that we want zooming over our beaches. Our beaches are already over crowded so advertising to have more people come does not make any sense.
Let’s work to protect our beach and our privacy and ban drone use on Charlestown beaches.
March 30, 2020 @ 5:15 pm
Mr. Martin, I have lived in Charlestown for 40 years, and for you to share with people your negative thoughts, about what we should or shouldn’t do is very unpopular. The beach is a public place, and for you to think it is yours, and yours only is very snobbish. This is a tourist town, so if you don’t like people sharing our beautiful beachs, then maybe you should go back to your native town or city.
March 31, 2020 @ 8:56 am
Craig, just STOP. Your negativity has no place here.
March 30, 2020 @ 8:29 am
Beautiful pictures the ocean is so calming when I need strength thank you.
March 29, 2020 @ 4:04 pm
I just wanted to commend Bob Petrone and Cliff Vanover for their continuing efforts to bring us scenes of Charlestown during this difficult time. It is especially important for the high-risk population who may have a difficult time getting outdoors to experience our town, no matter what season. As a photographer myself, I appreciate the amount of hours actually taking pictures and then the follow-up hours spent editing and organizing.
Great job gentlemen and thank you!
March 29, 2020 @ 4:42 pm
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch my video and your kind words. I started taking pictures/videos while caring for my mother. My mom and dad purchased our home in Quonnie back in 1963. In her advanced years she no longer had the ability to get to the beach so I would do the next best thing and bring the beach to her via an iPad. My mom passed away at the age of 100 and her best memories were always of Quonnie. When I walk the beaches of Quonnie I always keep in mind those who are either far away or do not have the ability to experience Quonnie. I hope my pictures find their way to them.
March 29, 2020 @ 12:29 pm
Beautiful Quonnie Beach Scenes Bob – wonderful show – felt like I was there – many thanks!