Charlestown Town Administrator’s Performance Is Superior

The following letter appeared in local newspapers and is shared with us here by the author Bonnie Van Slyke. Bonnie Van Slyke is a member of the Charlestown Town Council.

Our town, like the nation and most of the world, is facing a tremendous challenge right now, and I am so grateful to know that Charlestown has Mark Stankiewicz as our town administrator. At a time like this the town needs someone with his experience and vision. In more peaceful times, his competent leadership has fostered a calm, stable environment and a well-run town that enjoys a low tax rate and a high quality of life.

As requested by Mr. Stankiewicz, at its meeting on March 9, the Charlestown Town Council continued in open session its annual evaluation of his performance during the year just ended, 2019. The Council considered the “Twelve-Month Performance Review” drafted by Council President Virginia Lee and me and presented to the Town Council in its executive session in February.

Mr. Stankiewicz’s evaluation was based on how well he performed the skills listed in the areas of administration, fiscal management, personnel/supervision, communication, and intergovernmental/community/citizen relations. To perform so competently across all areas of responsibility is exceptional in and of itself.

Councilor Julie Carroccia highlighted three of the tasks where Mr. Stankiewicz had exceeded expectations:

  • Hiring a new town treasurer and facilitating a seamless transition when our retiring treasurer became ill to assure that the town’s annual audit was carried out and preparation for the budget for the upcoming year was thorough.
  • Identifying an issue with the town’s information technology—the use of systems to store, retrieve, and send information and the processes and devices that enable this function—by conducting a study of the town’s needs, hiring an information technology professional, and making significant progress on addressing the issue.
  • Assisting an outside, nonprofit agency—the Charlestown Ambulance–Rescue Service—that provides important emergency services to the town by working to help them to get back on track and provide more transparent information to the town.

Councilors Carroccia, Wilkinson, and I voted to endorse a highly commendable performance evaluation for Mark Stankiewicz, an evaluation he has received for each of his seven years. Councilor Lee, who was not present, co-wrote the review, and her endorsement was clear in that review.

The majority on the Town Council trusts Mr. Stankiewicz, values that he communicates with them, and knows that he acts in the best interests of the town. Councilor David Wilkinson added that he is thankful to have Mr. Stankiewicz in this position. For sure!

Bonnie Van Slyke




You can learn more about Bonnie at her profile page.


Banner image is a photo of Town Administrator Mark Stankiewicz and Town Councilors Julie Carroccia and Bonnie Van Slyke