Charlestown 2020 Budget Contains $3M Surplus And No Tax Increase

Now that the Chariho school budget is finalized, the Town Council has begun to review the entire 2020 municipal budget. The two most important facts are:

  • The tax rate is projected to remain unchanged at $9.64 per $1,000 of assessed value.
  • There is a $3 million surplus available for a new capital improvement project.

Tax Rate
Charlestown’s tax rate is among the very lowest in Rhode Island.

A surplus of this size is the result of incredible good fortune and presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because a $3 million surplus is not likely to occur again.

  • Part of the surplus results because of the number of students enrolled in Chariho. There are about 61 fewer students, and that equates to a $900,000 savings this year.
  • There are no major road projects scheduled in 2020, and in addition this year’s road projects have come in under budget or were scaled back to address neighborhood concerns, resulting in a savings of about $1 million.
  • The town’s unassigned fund balance, or surplus, already exceeds the recommended upper limit of 25 percent and as a result $1,250,000 can be removed from the surplus account.

Community Center
One proposal for the surplus is to reserve these funds in order to be able to build a community center in the near future. The center would be located in the northwest corner of Ninigret Park–the corner of the park next to Route 1A and nearest the Umbrella Factory. The center could  house a gymnasium, a stage, rooms for classes and meetings, a kitchen, and the like. There could be an outside performance capability as well, and the facility could also serve as a certified emergency center.

Volunteer For The Ad-Hoc Community Center Committee
The Town Council has created a 5-member ad-hoc committee to explore the community center idea, present ideas, and seek public input and opinion. Not a dime would be spent on construction until this outreach is done and a plan that residents want is in place.

You can volunteer for this committee by submitting an application to the Charlestown Town Clerk. The application is available to download at this link. Applications may also be sent by email to by April 30.

Budget Hearing and Budget Vote
A public hearing to discuss the budget will be held on May 6 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall. Bring your questions to that meeting.

The vote on the budget will take place on June 3 at the Town Hall from 8 am to 8 pm.

What would you like to see in a community center?