Charlestown Town Council Appreciation of Denise Rhodes

At the November Town Council meeting, Charlestown Town Councilors Virginia Lee, Julie Carroccia, Bonnie Van Slyke, and George Tremblay read the following tribute to outgoing Town Council member Denise Rhodes who was elected to the Planning Commission and is retiring from the Town Council.

We, the members of the Charlestown Town Council, this 13th day of November 2018 wish to acknowledge Denise Rhodes for her public service for two terms as a Town Councilor.

Denise Rhodes

Thank you Denise for your dedication to protecting the environment and public health of all the citizens of Charlestown. We thank you for your insight about how easily change can come to our beautiful community when we don’t have local control. Your tireless advocacy for regulations to help residents impacted by under-regulated quarry and mining industries in Charlestown and in Rhode Island is commended. Your appreciation of the sacrifice that veterans and their families make for the benefit of us all resulted in expanded tax breaks for veterans who live in Charlestown. Your integrity, compassion, courage and careful weighing of all the facts in your work on the Town Council are greatly appreciated.

Thank you too for your extra commitment to champion the Affordable Housing Commission and the Senior Citizens Commission as Town Council Liaison.

We salute your decision to continue public service on the Charlestown Planning Commission!

With very best wishes to you and your family.

State Senator Elaine Morgan presented a Senate proclamation celebrating Denise’s public service and State Representative Blake Filippi presented a resolution from the Rhode Island House of Representatives.