RIEMA Looking For Alternative To RT. 1 Site For Radio Tower
On April 23, Peter Gaynor, the Director of the RI Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA), wrote to Joe Warner, the Charlestown Zoning Official, to say that RIEMA would examine alternative locations for the radio tower they had proposed for the DOT Salt Barn property at the Cross Mills exit on Rt. 1.
Mr. Gaynor’s response came after the Town Council had voted on April 9 to authorize the Town Solicitor and other Town officials to take action to ensure the public health and safety of residents in relation to the 178-foot radio tower. One of those proposed actions was to enforce the Town’s Zoning Ordinance.
Charlestown’s Building and Zoning Official, Joseph Warner, wrote to the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency on April 3 informing them that the proposal must comply with local land-use regulations and zoning ordinance. You can read the full text of Joe Warner’s two page letter below.
May 23, 2018 @ 11:15 am
Makes you wonder what the editors at The Westerly Sun were thinking when they criticized the town council (March 19,2018) for questioning the siting decision made by RIEMA. The town council was doing their due diligence and watching out for the health and welfare of the people living near the proposed tower. Evidently the editors at The Westerly Sun think that state agencies always make the right decisions when it comes to town issues.