Keeping You Up To Date with Charlestown News and Events

401Gives To Charlestown’s Environment
What: 401Gives Statewide Day of Giving
When: April 1, 2025 (4-01!)
Why: 401Gives brings people together to make a difference for local nonprofits that protect our beautiful community that is so rich in natural resources. 401Gives unites and offers everyone a safe, comfortable, and familiar virtual fundraising experience all while giving nonprofits unrestricted funds that strengthen our community.

Charlestown’s Brush with Nuclear Power
When: Monday April 7 and Monday April 14 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at URI, 210 Flagg Road, Kingston, RI
Why: A proposal to build a twin-reactor nuclear power plant behind a barrier beach in our town came very close to fruition in the mid-1970s.
Register: You must register in advance for this course by April 6 at noon.

Community Roadside Litter Pick-Up Day
When: Saturday, April 19
Who: You and your family and friends
Where: Pick any road you like in Charlestown to pick up roadside litter
What: The town is providing the blue bags starting April 11, and the transfer station and fire stations will accept them without charge on April 19 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Tuesday, April 8 – Chariho School Budget Referendum
When: Tuesday, April 8 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: Charlestown Town Hall on Route 2 (4540 South County Trail)
What: All-day referendum on 2025/2026 Chariho Regional School District Budget
Under the state law governing Chariho, a majority of the citizens of Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton must approve the Chariho School District Budget by referendum in order for the budget to be adopted.

Town Council Votes And Then Rescinds Vote To Take Narrow Beach Lot By Eminent Domain
“Given all of what has been able to be ascertained about the Property, the Town’s ability to exercise any rights with respect to the Property are limited by the rights of others. In practical terms, this means that the Town cannot use the Property for public access to the beach, cannot put signage or fencing on the Property, nor occupy it in such a manner as to impede the rights of the other co-owners in the Property.”

Allen’s Cove-Eastern Ninigret Pond Pilot Watershed Project
When: Wednesday, April 2, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Kettle Pond Visitor Center, 50 Bend Road, Charlestown
Register: Please use the linked form to register for this upcoming listening session
Staff from the Town of Charlestown and its partners at URI, the Salt Ponds Coalition, and Save the Bay are working to protect water quality in and around Greater Allen’s Cove and Eastern Ninigret Pond through grant funded septic system replacements, stormwater management improvements, water quality monitoring, and community engagement.

DEM Provides Tips On Co-existing With Bears
The Department of Environmental Management is reminding Rhode Islanders to remove potential food sources from their properties as black bears emerge with warmer weather. Bird feeders, unsecured trash cans, livestock feed, and other easily available household and backyard food sources attract bears primarily in early spring, during droughts, or in the fall when they are trying to put on weight for hibernation.
The Herring are Coming! Part 2: A Complicated Path – The Recovery
When: Wednesday, March 19 at 6 pm
Where: Kettle Pond Visitor Center, 50 Bend Road, Charlestown
Cost: Free
Join the Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Rivers Stewardship Council in partnership with the Charlestown Land Trust for a two-part film series on the natural history, latest science and conservation efforts surrounding river herring.
Under the Crimson Moon – Total Lunar Eclipse
Where: Frosty Drew Observatory and Science Center in Ninigret Park
When: Thursday, March 13, at 11:00 pm until Friday, March 14, at 6:00 am
Why: A Total Lunar Eclipse is taking place and it will be visible to all in New England
Cost: $5 Admission per person 5 years and older
Threats To Native Brook Trout Explained
When: Wednesday, March 26 at 6 pm
Where: Kettle Pond Visitor Center, 50 Bend Road, Charlestown
Who: Brian O’Connor and Paul E. Pezza, founding members of Protect Rhode Island Brook Trout (PRIBT)
What: Brian and Paul’s presentation will explain the urgent need to protect Rhode Island’s threatened wild brook trout populations