Solarize Charlestown

Solarize Charlestown ended in 2017. Fifty-eight Charlestown homeowners added solar panels to their homes as a result of the program. Charlestown’s was one of the most successful Solarize programs ever undertaken in Rhode Island. It had the potential to be even more successful, but the state ran out of incentives for residential solar in the fall of 2017. Members of the Town Council and Planning Commission lobbied the state to replenish the incentives, which they did eventually restore in April 2018. Once the incentives were restored, everyone who wanted panels under the program had the opportunity to get them. The state is proposing to increase the incentives for residential solar in 2019 so that more homes can qualify. Although Solarize Charlestown has ended, you can still get information about solar incentives from Solarize Rhode Island or from Sol Power the contractor for Solarize Charlestown.

  • Image of House with solar panelsThe Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources and Commerce RI have selected Charlestown to participate in a program to make solar energy more affordable to residents and small businesses, and to simplify the process of finding a contractor and installing solar panels for personal electric generation.

    Solarize Charlestown will bring residents together as a group to negotiate the lowest cost and easiest deal possible on solar panels for their roof or yard. The sign-up period begins on June 7 and ends on September 8 (now extended to October 6). This limited time period allows a bulk purchase of solar panels, so that the more people who sign up the less expensive it will be for each household.

Solarize is a program of the State of Rhode Island. CCA’s only role in this project is to provide communication resources to the Charlestown Solarize Team as we do with many other organizations and efforts in Charlestown.

Solarize Charlestown Updates