Good government is that which most effectively secures the rights of the people and the fruits of their labor, promotes their happiness, and does their will.
Thomas Jefferson on the subject of Good Government
To preserve the peace of our fellow citizens, promote their prosperity and happiness, reunite opinion, cultivate a spirit of candor, moderation, charity and forbearance toward one another, are objects calling for the efforts and sacrifices of every good man and patriot. Our religion enjoins it; our happiness demands it; and no sacrifice is requisite but of passions hostile to both.” –Thomas Jefferson: to Rhode Island Assembly, on the subject of Good Government, 1801.
The Past
The political process in Charlestown Rhode Island has historically represented a participatory process between citizens and the elected Town Council to create public policy and pass budget decisions that reflect the will of the people. For decades Charlestown politicians and citizens have worked together to preserve the environment, natural beauty, charm, and low tax rate of this resort town. The town has benefited financially from the income from tourists and part-time residents and non-resident homeowners whose tax dollars help support the Charlestown budget and its programs. Fiscally conservative, Charlestown has been well run thanks to the efforts of the Budget Commission, the administration, and with the cooperation of the staff have provided a sound financial climate.
The Present
We will continue to need responsible citizens to step up to the plate every two years and run for Charlestown Town Council, as well as volunteer to Commissions and apply to fill important positions at Town Hall.
CCA is committed to good government in Charlestown. We are determined to see a good outcome with each election. We are working for a Charlestown where public service is encouraged and where government works for the interest of all the citizens and not just the few.