Tom Gentz: A Vote For Ruth Platner Will Protect Charlestown’s Rural Character
The following letter was published in local newspapers and is reprinted here with permission of the author Tom Gentz. Mr. Gentz is a past President of the Charlestown Town Council.
Ruth Platner is a strong proponent for open space. Open space is what makes Charlestown a wonderful place to live, and it protects our water.
Ruth began her effort to protect Charlestown when she first moved here and was part of the effort to stop the nuclear power plant in what is today’s Ninigret Park. There are two parts of the old Naval Auxiliary Air Base, one is the town’s part and one is U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s national wildlife refuge. The town has to abide by the agreement that says the town’s 172 acres that are adjacent to the USFWS area must define recreation in accordance with the refuge agreement. The town’s 55 additional acres are less tied to the refuge, but the town must be mindful of our commitment to keeping the refuge protected. Ruth is our proponent to maintain the valuable migratory bird flyway. Habitat is disappearing quickly, and it must be protected.
Ruth has been key to working with the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, the Nature Conservatory, and others in preserving open space. Open space is important for eco-tourism, with recreational value and access to salt water ponds, beaches, and the ocean. Unless the true market value of real estate is used, these conservation organizations will not contribute to an open space purchase by matching money from Charlestown’s existing Open Space Bond. This process protects Charlestown taxpayers, and perhaps more importantly, open space protects our water. Charlestown depends 100% on wells and septic systems and open space protects Charlestown residents’ drinking water.
Ruth has volunteered for many years on the Planning Commission and currently serves as its chair. Recreational open space increases home values, and she protects these values by attempting to create local open space near almost every neighborhood in Charlestown. The Planning Commission is key to responsible development that protects our water sources.
Not only does the Planning Commission protect resident home values, but under Ruth’s leadership, the Planning Commission protects small businesses in Charlestown. Recently, a dollar store sought to build a business that would hire few people and probably ruin key local businesses. Ruth believes small business should thrive and will continue to work hard to stop big-box stores, which are outside the character of Charlestown.
Ruth worked hard to stop the high-speed train plan, which would have cut Charlestown in half, destroying farms, homes, Columbia Heights, and Narragansett Tribal Lands, and split our way of life. Additionally, Ruth was key to stopping Invenergy’s water withdrawal from Charlestown’s sole source aquifer for an unnecessary and unwanted fossil fuel power plant in Burrillville. A vote for Ruth Platner is a vote for sanity and a vote to protect your home’s water.
Ruth’s clear, strong voice emphasizes that the 2020 Charlestown election is an opportunity to maintain the rural character and low tax rate that residents cherish. Many have moved to Charlestown because of these two factors. Vote for Ruth Platner to preserve Charlestown’s rural character.
A vote for Ruth Platner is a vote to keep Charlestown Charlestown.