Give Education this Holiday Season

Education is central to a strong community. We offer these gift giving ideas to build and broaden educational opportunities in Charlestown.

Getting their degrees

Give the Gift of Opportunity

Community 2000 Education Foundation – Community 2000 provides need-based scholarships for Charlestown, Hopkinton, and Richmond residents going on to college or technical schools. Many of the scholarships are for up to four years thereby providing the student continued support throughout their undergraduate term.

More than a library

Give Continuing Education

Cross’ Mills Public Library – Cross’ Mills Public Library provides cultural and informational programs that touch every age group from pre-school children to senior citizens. The library’s mission is to educate, enrich, and enlighten their patrons.

Frosty Drew Milky Way by Scott MacNeill
Frosty Drew & Milky Way

Give an Education in Science

Frosty Drew Observatory and Science Center. – Frosty Drew’s mission is to enlighten, discover, inspire—through education and research—knowledge about science, the night sky, and the universe. They develop and implement programs designed to educate the general public on a number of environmental, scientific, and cosmological subjects with the aim of building an understanding of the natural world and humanity’s place in the Universe.

Our town has a history

Give History a Chance to Educate

Tomaquag Museum – The Tomaquag Museum is dedicated to enlightening the public about local Indigenous history, culture, arts, and more.

Charlestown Historical Society – Committed to the preservation of Charlestown’s history and its presentation to the public.

Quonochontaug Historical Society – Their goal is to educate and inform the community about the history of Quonochontaug.