Ninigret Park Cost Estimates Really Are $39.5 Million

The current Town Council majority continues to say that there is no plan to spend $39.5 Million on Ninigret Park. But there is a plan to develop the park that will cost nearly $40 million. The scale of the plan and the substantial cost are connected. You can read the full plan at the link below.
Click here to read the latest version of the Ninigret Park Master Plan
November 4, 2024 @ 11:14 am
I assume that such a project will require a bond issue to finance it …. correct ? … what will be the total cost of this including interest etc ? … what % increase to our taxes will this be? over how many years?
Lets have the whole truth please.
October 23, 2024 @ 11:20 am
Does the Town Council not seem to want to listen to the majority of the residents Surprise Surprise
October 23, 2024 @ 11:00 am
Didn’t we, in a twice mailed out survey already say no to this. This plan is just weaseling around the majority rule on paying for “Stuff” in perpetuity. No!