Meet Outstanding Candidates For Charlestown Local Offices

The following letter by Leo Mainelli was printed in local newspapers. Mr. Mainelli is President of the Charlestown Citizens Alliance.

I am writing to urge my fellow Charlestown voters to support candidates endorsed by the Charlestown Citizens Alliance (CCA) on November 5.

A vote for these candidates is a VOTE FOR experienced voices who will listen to diverse views and act in the best interests of all our residents. These candidates support sound, civil, and open government, and they bring expertise in areas ranging from the environment, to education, to the economy, and most importantly, their experience as your neighbors. These leaders value and are committed to protecting the inherent quality of life that makes Charlestown so unique.

Let me introduce them:

For Town Council:

SARAH FLETCHER is the third generation of her family to be raised in Charlestown, a marketing expert, and a small business owner who believes business can thrive without damaging the character of our beautiful community.

PETER KEATING is a life-long volunteer who owned and operated a successful supermarket for his entire career and will bring his talents for listening, analyzing, and responding to concerns in order to preserve and enhance our town.

ANGIE JALBERT is a life-long educator who has expertise in collaborating with state and community organizations and will work to preserve our town’s character and community connections.

RUTH PLATNER is a scientist; a leader in open space preservation, groundwater protection, and other conservation efforts; and a member of the Planning Commission.

BONNIE VAN SLYKE previously served on our Town Council where she led on protecting our natural environment and providing low taxes and long-term financial stability.

For Planning Commission:

COLEEN GALVIN YAROSHENKO is a small business owner, professional comedian, motivational speaker, and former special education teacher, who will work with all parties to find solutions.

CAROL MOSSA, who is a photographer, writer, publisher, a small business owner, and a member of the Planning Commission, works for a balanced approach to development.

LISA ST. GODARD is a planner at the Naval Submarine Base New London and a member of the Planning Commission where she advocates for our environment and small-town character.

SARAH ST. LAURENT is a long-time resident who was moved to action by threats to our community by the Federal Railroad Administration’s plans in Charlestown and is a member of the Planning Commission.

For Town Moderator:

DAVID WILKINSON served on our Town Council for two years where he demonstrated that he is fair, clear, organized, informed, and inclusive and will make an effective presiding officer at budget hearings.

Almost 20 years ago, the residents of Charlestown came together to form an alliance of citizens that was based on the principle of environmental protection. They called it the Charlestown Citizens Alliance. These CCA candidates believe responsible management of the natural resources entrusted to our care strengthens our local economy, contributes to our rural character, protects our relatively low tax rate, and is key to our future success as a community.

There is important work that needs to be done, and CCA candidates have the experience to lead the way. I urge you to vote for these ten candidates on Tuesday, November 5.

Leo Mainelli