Learn How To Paint At Kettle Pond Visitor Center

When: Thursday, August 8, 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Where: Kettle Pond Visitor Center, 50 Bend Road, Charlestown (map below)
Cost: Free with all materials provided
Who: For all ages
Questions: Call 401.364.9124

With her many years of experience teaching adults how to paint, Elizabeth “Miss Art” Nordstrom will teach you how to paint from sketches or life in this fun, beginner’s art class.

If you have never picked up a brush before but have always wanted to take a painting class, this is the class for you. Create pictures working with watercolors, oils and acrylic paints.

You will be guided every step along the way as “Miss Art” teaches you how to paint using her very special “Nordstrom Technique.”

Kettle Pond Visitor Center, pictured in the banner image for this post, is located on Bend Road, directly off of Rt. 1 in Charlestown