Salt Ponds Coalition Annual Meeting

When: Monday, August 19, at 7 p.m.
Where: Kettle Pond Visitor Center, 50 Bend Rd., Charlestown
Cost: Free and open to the public

Join the Salt Ponds Coalition (SPC) for their annual meeting and learn what SPC has been doing for the past year.

The featured speaker, Steve McCandless, will discuss the issues the breachways are facing and what is being proposed to address the issue at Charlestown Breachway in Ninigret Pond.

Steve McCandless is the Town of Charlestown’s Geographical Information System (GIS)Coordinator.

Last winter’s series of “nor’easters” left the south shore of Rhode Island a mess of extreme beach erosion, with business and personal property damage all along the coast. Milder spring forces brought sand back to many of the undeveloped beaches and they have miraculously improved. However, this was not the case with our Charlestown and Quonochontaug Breachways.

The banner image is a photograph of a Ninigret Pond sunset by Scott MacNeill.