Other Quonnie Storms (1912/13 and 1954)

All are invited to this Quonochontaug Historical Society Summer Event

When: Wednesday, August 7 at 7 pm
Where: The Quonnie Grange, 5662 Post Rd, (Rt. 1) between East and West Beach Roads, next to Dunn’s Corners Fire Station (location map of the Quonnie Grange at bottom of post)
What: Most people know about the great hurricane of 1938, but you may be surprised at the impact that these two other storms had on Quonnie shores.
Who: Presentation by Bill Steinman and Steve Young of the Quonochontaug Historical Society

Check the Quonochontaug Historical Society website for more summer presentations.

Banner image of a past Quonie storm courtesy of the Quonochontaug Historical Society.

Location map of the Quonnie Grange (5662 Post Rd, (Rt. 1) between East and West Beach Roads) below: