Chariho Bond Referendum Explained
If the bond is approved:
Approval of this $150M bond is a long-term investment that would meet the deadline to receive up to 20% additional state aid to build new elementary schools across our three towns, and fund repairs at the main campus. The estimated average yearly bond debt is $2.3M over a 25-year term.
The Building Committee is required to reach contract agreements with an architect, project manager, and construction firm by June 30. The main campus projects will begin first, while the Committee oversees the architectural design of three new elementary schools. Elementary school construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2025, with dual construction of Charlestown and Hopkinton schools. After those two schools are completed, construction of the Richmond school begins.
If the bond is rejected:
An alternative path must be pursued to meet the requirement of a five-year capital improvement plan. In order to secure funding, voters will be presented with a secondary bond option at a later date. This bond would fund repairs, with projects prioritized to complete health, safety, and security improvements at the main campus, and at three elementary schools.
The repairs-only bond is estimated at $30M with Chariho’s base rate of 61% state aid. The estimated average yearly bond debt is $2.3M over a 10-year term. If the short-term bond is rejected, the District would need to proceed without a funding plan to address infrastructure and capital improvement needs.
The Chariho Proposal
This capital improvement plan has a strategic focus on the elementary schools. It lays the groundwork for a significant long-term investment in the District to improve facility infrastructure, increase fiscal and operational efficiency, and enhance educational spaces.
- Three new elementary schools – This plan would consolidate from four 56-89-year old buildings to three new schools, one in each town at the current sites of Richmond, Charlestown, and Ashaway schools. Each new building would have an optimized footprint that is efficient while also addressing transportation concerns. New construction will provide modern electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and technological infrastructure, while improving operating and maintenance efficiency.
- Planned spaces for youngest learners + those with high need – This plan includes modern spaces for preschool, alternative education, and inclusive classrooms, with each focus area centered at one of the buildings. Richmond would include the integrated preschool program. Charlestown would house inclusive classrooms for students who require one-on-one support, and Hopkinton would include the elementary alternative learning.
- Main campus improvements – This investment includes projects on the Chariho main campus with a focus on health, safety, and security. Repairs are necessary to the Middle School skylight, High School breezeways, and CharihoTech roof.
The Background
- A Statewide School Construction Bond was approved in 2018, intended to incentivize school communities to complete school construction and capital improvement projects. The statewide bond created temporary bonuses for capital improvements, with potential to increase each District’s share ratio by 20%. This makes Chariho eligible for 81% reimbursement on principal and interest over the life of the bond. These bonuses are set to expire for any projects that are not started by June 30, 2024, which puts Chariho on track to receive the bonuses, but only if this bond is approved by voters on May 7th.
- Chariho has spent multiple years in preparation for this bond referendum, with a specific focus on the needs of the elementary schools, including consolidation to address nationwide declining enrollment, and the financial challenges of building maintenance and operation.
- Across the state, school districts have taken advantage of the bonus incentives to fund new school construction and capital improvement projects.
Project Details
- The Chariho proposal is a $150M bond with 76-81% state aid over an estimated 25-year term. This is one of the highest reimbursement rates in the state and applies to both principal and interest. The bond would fund health, safety, and security projects at the main campus, and build three new elementary schools, with spaces planned for preschool, inclusive classrooms, and alternative education. Chariho’s base rate of State Aid is 61%, and this project is eligible for four 5% bonus incentives activated by the statewide bond that expire this June – educational enhancements; health and safety; consolidation; and replacement. If we do not secure this bond funding, we will lose the opportunity for the bonus incentives but still need to consider a path forward to make necessary repairs with a secondary bond option, estimated at $30M with 61% state aid over a 10-year term.
- The project must be completed within a five-year time frame. If the bond passes, construction at the main campus would start first, while elementary school designs are completed in final detail. The District has worked with a project manager, and an architecture firm to draft a construction schedule that includes building two schools at the same time, followed by the third.
- The Chariho Regional School District has previously completed these school construction projects: Construction of Chariho High School in 1959, Construction of Chariho Middle School in 1990, Campus 2010 project to make capital improvements on the main campus, and Construction of Chariho Alternative Learning Academy in 2017.
- A Building Committee has been formed to provide valuable oversight for the design and construction process. The Committee consists of non-voting school employees, 3 School Committee Members, and 3 residents appointed from each of the 3 towns. This committee plays an important role, and is currently having public meetings to ensure that requirements will be met if the bond passes.
Early Voting at Town Hall
Early in-person voting is taking place now at Town Hall, anytime between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, from April 17 to May 6.
Tuesday, May 7 is the all day Referendum
Voting will take place at Charlestown Town Hall, anytime between 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The text content is from slides created by Jess Purcell, Richmond Representative, Chariho District School Committee. The banner image is an aerial view of the Charlestown Elementary School. Image is cropped and does not show the area of parcel that extends beyond the buildings.
May 5, 2024 @ 5:57 am
This is insanity! Does your house need repairs? Sure. But do you bulldoze your house and get into a new mortgage for $500,000? NO. You repair what u have. This is a WANT not a need. I want a mansion and a Mercedes but I am not willing to mortgage my future and my neighbors future for a “WANT”.
May 5, 2024 @ 6:41 am
The difference between your home and the school proposal is that the state is providing 81% of the cost from money that can only be spent on school construction. The cost of operating the aging buildings will be the same, and in some cases more, than new construction. You will not save taxpayer’s money by voting “no” on the bond. Voting “no” to the school bond will cost the taxpayers more as the repair needs of the facilities continue to increase.
May 3, 2024 @ 2:00 pm
Thank you for the time and dedication you have put into this plan. It sounds like a wonderful and affordable gift for guaranteeing quality education for all of the children in the region.
May 3, 2024 @ 10:13 am
We have early voted for already :-)))
May 3, 2024 @ 7:19 am
Thank you for providing the facts that seem to be missing from this issue especially on the side that would vote “no” on any school issues that costs money. Unfortunately, misplaced frugality can stagnate improvements for safety and the physical atmosphere of the students in our three towns. I hope the naysayers come forward with suggested improvements to the physical environment our students must deal with every day.