Impact Of Lighting On Migratory Birds Is Not Misinformation
Claims of “misinformation” are sometimes misinformation in themselves and that is the case with the claim that the Charlestown Citizens Alliance is spreading misinformation about a “stadium”.
We, along with the Rhode Island Audubon Society, the local U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Park Service, and scientists worldwide, have written about the negative impacts that lighting has on migratory birds. Our concern is with lighting near Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge, an inviolate sanctuary for migratory birds, not with seating or structures.
A search this week of our entire website revealed that in over 1,000 posts and pages, 1,400 comments, and 1,600 media files (images and pdf documents) there is only one instance of the word “stadium” and that is in the 2012 letter from the National Park Service saying a football stadium with sports lighting would not be allowed. And even in that letter, the issue is the impact of lighting on migratory birds, not where people sit.
We have written about the published 2024 Ninigret Park Master Plan which includes many proposed acres of cleared land, roads, and parking lots to host major events. We have included links to the entire plan and used the maps from the plan in all our posts.
A discussion of the wildlife impacts of the $39 Million plan is being deflected by saying “there is no stadium” and “those people are telling lies about a stadium.” Those deflections have taken place in town meetings, on websites, on social media, and even in written correspondence to the National Park Service. Anyone attempting to engage the Town Council in a discussion of natural resource impacts gets an irate response about stadiums.
A recent letter to the Town Council from the National Park Service (NPS), explained that the “potential impact of this lighting has been considered before and both the NPS and the USFWS have concerns about the impact that lighting could have on wildlife.” The rebuttal from the Town Council President was, “there has been no discussion at either the Town Council level, or the Parks and Recreation Commission level, about constructing a football stadium. Neither lighted, nor unlighted.”
The issue is not whether nighttime concert attendees sit in bleachers or lawn chairs, the issue is lighting and when in the calendar year that lighting happens.
Please see the following links for information about the Ninigret Park Master Plan and about lighting and its impact on migratory birds in Charlestown.
Click here to read the letter from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island Click here to read the letter from the US Fish and Wildlife Service Click here to read about Charlestown’s place in the Atlantic FlywayClick here to read the latest version of the Ninigret Park Master Plan
The banner image is a photograph of a Yellow Warbler in Charlestown by Frances Topping. Yellow Warblers are long distance migrants. They breed across North America and spend winters in Central America and northern South America. In both spring and fall, they migrate earlier than most other warblers.
April 28, 2024 @ 8:39 pm
Keep the damn lights off in Ninigret park. The addition of those horrendous trolls is bad enough
April 24, 2024 @ 3:00 am
Let’s not forget that the town had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Park Service just last year to inform the NPS regarding any changes to the accepted or current Ninigret Plan. The Federal agencies take MOU’s very seriously inasmuch as MOU’s are contracts between agencies to cooperate on projects and programs and each rely on the other to keep to their promises. The lighting issue is one that the Park Service will review and determine if lighting is in accordance with the intent of the Agreement. It should be noted that the President of the Town Council signed the agreement on behalf of the town. It also should be noted that the land that now constitutes NInigret Park was not a deeded gift to the town as many people are wont to think.
April 22, 2024 @ 5:34 pm
I am very much opposed to the addition of night lighting at Ninigret Park. However, it seems this issue falls under the Town’s Counsel’s purview as opposed to being voted upon by residents. Via what vehicle can citizens best apply their voices in ways that might influence the Council’s ultimate decision on this matter?
April 22, 2024 @ 11:49 am
Ninigret is a resource that we need to handle carefully, or we’ll lose it. It is incredibly irresponsible to even consider creating any type of event space beyond what it already is. This needs to go away. Far away.
April 22, 2024 @ 8:27 am
Facts are facts. The fact is, artificial lighting disrupts natural rhythms and negatively impacts migratory birds and we are on an important flyway at a time birds are being stressed in too many ways. Even dark sky lighting does not prevent light affecting either our dark skies or birds. It helps to mitigate widespread light but does not eliminate reflection from the ground. It minimizes, reduces but does not eliminate light trespass. It helps in more developed areas to reduce the oppressive glare but in an area like Ninigret light at night would have more impact. Deb Carney held up a dark sky lighting pamphlet indicating she would still propose lighting a football field or other event when those adamant about wildlife impacts presented testimony. Other solutions or spaces need to be found for those wishing night time events such as youth football practice. It is not a question of a specific event being targeted but the location. Ninigret is in a vital area for various wildlife. We should be responsible co-stewards.