Cost Estimates Removed From Published Ninigret Park Plan

The Town just released the final Ninigret Park Master Plan drafted by the consultants, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB). Missing from the final version, dated March 4, 2024, is the page detailing the $33 Million cost to execute the plan.

We call on the Town Council to return the pages with cost estimates to the plan.

These cost estimates are available in the December 22, 2023, draft of the Ninigret Park Master Plan that was reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The cost estimates are important not only because of their magnitude but also to bring some realism to the plan.

The final plan is little changed from the earlier draft that did have cost estimates. The image below shows the cost estimates from the earlier version. This was page 67 in the December version dated December 22, 2023, and would have been page 68 in the final plan dated March 4.

Why is Knowing the Estimated Cost Important?

The Master Plan is divided into four phases, we discuss only “Phase 2” to show how knowing cost can help in interpreting the plan. You can follow the link at the end of this post to see the entire plan with all 4 phases, but nowhere in the Master Plan will you find the cost estimates, even though the detailed map for each phase has the text “Refer to Cost Estimate Breakdown for Phase #“.

Phase 2 projects are shown in turquoise on the map from the final plan submitted by the consultant (banner image for this post). The labels are a little hard to read in the image, but they are also listed below matched to their estimated cost.

On Map
Proposed ImprovementsCost Estimate (December 2023)
2AIn central parking area: new porous pavement; roadway berming and street trees; asphalt resurfacing and drainage$6,233,000.00
2BPavement reuse or gravel in event camping area$4,307,000.00
2CClearing and gravel in event open area$828,000.00
2DNew perimeter access drive$2,256,000.00
2EMounding berms and sledding hill$170,000.00
2FNew access drive and rotary$416,000.00
2GFront entrance landscaping$34,000.00
2HCleared park space and nature center$50,000.00
2INew parking areas above and below new major event spaceNo Estimate - might be included in 2A cost?
2JPolice and EMS building for eventsNo Estimate
Total Phase 2$14,294,000.00
Total All Phases$33,139,000.00

With a cost of $14 Million, Phase 2, the area highlighted in turquoise in the banner image for this post, is almost entirely devoted to the new major event area. Knowing the high cost of this phase, it is unrealistic to expect that the only major events that will use the new event space will be Rhythm and Roots and the Seafood Festival. The Seafood Festival has an attendance of 20,000 on Saturday, its biggest day, and Rhythm and Roots reports an attendance of 5,000 per day. The new plan has added new parking lots on both sides of the new major events area and throughout the park. These additional parking spaces will allow even larger events.

Without knowing the cost, the event space might look like a pretty open field on the plan and seem like something nice to have. But is it reasonable to spend $14 Million for the Seafood Festival? Knowing the estimated cost allows an additional dimension to the discussion.

One of the reasons for moving the Seafood Festival and Rhythm and Roots to this new area in the park is to get them farther away from the Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge. That is important to do as these two large festivals interfere with the nesting and migration of refuge wildlife, but the high cost ensures that there will be more summer weekends with large events and even greater negative impacts on wildlife in the National Wildlife Refuge.

There will be a Special Town Council Meeting to discuss this Ninigret Park Master Plan on April 15 at 6 p.m. at the Charlestown Elementary School, 363 Carolina Back Road.

You can read the entire plan with a discussion of all four construction phases at the link below.

Click here to read the latest version of the Ninigret Park Master Plan