$20 to $30 Million Ninigret Park Plan Unveiled
Did you miss the November 30 meeting on the final draft of a new Ninigret Park Master Plan with the consultants working on the plan, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB)? A video of the meeting is below.
Highlights of the plan:
- $20 to $30 Million = estimated cost to develop Ninigret Park according to the plan presented.
- Clearing and construction of a large area for events and camping to host the current events (Rhythm & Roots and Seafood Festival) in the northern area of the park.
- New four-lane entrance/exit and new roads.
- Central parking area to remain in the current location.
- Criterium Bike Course moved to a new location.
- New Community/Senior Center and new parking lot.
- Football field and additions to the “fitness strip.”
- Utility area for the town’s Department of Public Works.
- Hiking trails.
Three alternatives were offered for a new master plan: the 2008 Master Plan, the 2014 draft, and the plan described above. The 2014 draft was used as the “guiding document,” and the conceptual rendering of the “long-term vision” (shown above) was described as a response to the needs of current stakeholders (primarily Rhythm & Roots) and to regional needs.
Video of Meeting
Highlights Of The Meeting:
There was a full house with standing room only at the Charlestown Elementary School, and the consultants reported that they had received more than 60 pieces of correspondence from the public, none of which have been made public.
At the outset of the Public Comment section of the meeting, a letter sent by Diane Keith, Program Manager, Northeast Region Federal Lands to Parks, was read into the record. Ms. Keith wrote that she has followed the Subcommittee’s planning meetings streamed via WebEx, and she reiterated the concerns about lighting and other impacts on wildlife that had been expressed by her predecessor, Elyse LaForest, in 2012. She stated that an environmental assessment and federal agency review would be required once the 2023 Master Plan is finalized and adopted by the Town Council.
A number of those present also voiced the following concerns:
- Costs/Benefits—There has been no cost/benefit analysis done and no adequate reasons given to justify the town spending the estimated $20 million to $30 million to fully develop Ninigret Park.
- Residents’ Preferences—Residents’ preferences are being ignored. The stated reason for adding a large performance venue is to move Rhythm & Roots; however, the results of the 2021 Community Survey clearly indicate that the majority of the town’s residents do not want a performance venue of any size. In addition, there has been no consideration given to less impactful solutions to provide access to the playground and Little Nini Pond during Rhythm & Roots, such as moving some event fencing.
- Parking—Moving Rhythm & Roots will not solve what is described as the problem. The number of parking spaces planned (approximately 1,400 when the plan is fully built out) is insufficient to provide parking for the current events, and as it has for decades, parking “will bleed” onto the fields and into other areas in the southern portion of the park, obstructing the use of the park’s recreational facilities, including the playground and Little Nini Pond.
- Lighting—The impacts of lighting on the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge and on the ability of Frosty Drew Observatory to operate as an observatory and educational institution have not been addressed, and, although no new lighting is explicitly planned, some of the uses will require lighting that will cause conflicts.
- Community Center—If the new community center were located where proposed, its construction and maintenance would be paid for by Charlestown’s taxpayers, but its use would be open to all towns. Rather, placing the new community center on the 55 acres was favored, or, perhaps, locating it in the Traditional Business District where it would help local businesses.
- Additional Events—There will likely be more events in the future. With the construction of an expensive performance venue and associated new roadways, there would be great pressure to add more large events. These events would require parking on public lands to support commercial uses, a potential conflict, and the influx of over a thousand cars for each event would generate lighting and noise that would adversely impact the federal use, especially during the nesting/migration seasons.
- Traffic and Congestion—There are significant issues with traffic and congestion throughout town in the summer months, and these would be aggravated by intense development in Ninigret Park.
- Economic Opportunity—An economic opportunity remains untapped. As one of two public places on the East Coast with extremely dark skies and the only one with infrastructure to support visitors, there is an untapped economic opportunity for Charlestown to become a dark sky destination.
- Management Responsibility—The town is required to manage the 227 acres of Ninigret Park consistently with the Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge. This requirement is stated in the federal decision that authorized the transfer of property to the US Department of the Interior for a wildlife refuge (thereby eliminating the threat that a nuclear plant could be sited on the property) and the remaining 227 acres to Charlestown and in the Program of Utilization.
- Scale—The plan is more appropriate for an urban community, rather than a town of 8,000 like Charlestown.
- Phasing of Development—The removal of excess asphalt should be undertaken before any land might be cleared for a performance venue.
- Transparency—The consultants were urged to make the correspondence they have received public, and make it a part of the final plan, so that park planners in the future will have the benefit of these opinions, history, and insight.
As a result of the thoughtful input submitted in public meetings and by email, VHB did make changes to the plan as first envisioned and clearly tried very hard to accommodate those concerns. However, they were constrained to work within the framework of the previous 2008 and 2014 plans. Those constraints continue to work to create a plan that does not meet residents’ preferences and that seems unlikely to gain approval from the US National Park Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service.
The banner image is a picture of the 2023 Ninigret Park Plan presented at the November 30 meeting.
December 16, 2023 @ 6:51 pm
I certainly do hope this, as Leslie asked is up to a vote by the constituents, not the 4 council members that do not listen to us, and offer up ridiculous unwanted plans. If so, then informing the public is KEY! I especially find it outrageous that they want to ruin the jewel we have that is Frosty Drew with lighting our treasured dark skies. How can anyone in their right mind possibly want to do that???
December 15, 2023 @ 4:08 pm
A few years back, I wrote that the difference between CCA and its opposition was CCA listens to the residents and is environmentally conscious; and that the opposition would sell out what we have to outside interests. I wasn’t wrong at that time, but few people listened and now you have a sh**show for the Town Council. It ignores the will expressed by the residents, reneges on an MOU with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and essentially asks the taxpayer to cover the cost of their folly. There should be an Environmental Impact Study and I, for one, would not be surprised if the FWS takes control of the 174 acres and gives it over to a smarter group of people. We don’t need to vote on this “Plan”, we already expressed our wishes through the town-wide survey which this Council has deemed to ignore.
December 15, 2023 @ 7:44 am
I agree with the previous commentary, referring to our leadership as a “renegade town council”. Y’all should of voted for the CCA. Instead you got yourself a bunch of money grabbers that are going to change the “face” of Charlestown. It’s bad enough that anybody with enough cash can come in and erect a mansion at our pristine beaches. When we bought our first home here we inquired about development on the Beach areas. We were told by the realtor “oh, that won’t happen…the town won’t allow that development”. Well things have changed clearly and the tone is all about developing land for more saturation. Let me remind you- Your constituents don’t want their beach community ruined by the development of a mega-venue. In addition, It seems we are kept in the dark on these proposals. The townspeople must be kept in the loop and GET INVOLVED. We only became aware of this scenario because a neighbor informed us. Folks- Get out there and vote when the time comes and bring back the crew that cares about the quality of life here. Attend town meetings and be heard. Reach out to your neighbors for a grass roots campaign. Thank you for listening.
December 13, 2023 @ 1:02 pm
My grandparents house was on the shore in Foster Cove in the 30″s. My great aunt was in the house the whole time during the 38 hurricane. I have pictures of the house, my dad John Sheldon. He had graduated from the CG Academy and was dating my Mom .He taught her how to spear eels from his Old Town canvass conoe. After the war broke out ,the Navy took over the area to build up the base. Millie Goden married a pilot there who was buddy with Geo Bush1. Millie had some fundraises and moved our house inland and part of it became the senior center. She is gone now but always wanted me to come down there with pictures and give a talk. I believe her son David still lives in Charlestown.
December 9, 2023 @ 7:45 pm
This is a waste of time and money. Why don’ t you listen to the people your suppose to represent. Leave Ninigret Park alone. There is absolutely no reason to change it. Just ask your voters.
Many of the Town committee members (CCA) ran on platforms of doing good for the environment. Once they got in though, they can’t wait to destroy Charlestown all in the vain of bringing prosperity. We don’t want prosperity. We do’t want development, 4 lane roads, more businesses. We want what Charlestown has always been, a coastal New England TOWN.
December 9, 2023 @ 9:30 pm
Perhaps you missed the election results, CCA candidates did not get elected, there is only one candidate we supported on the Town Council. Our political opposition has always described Ninigret Park as an “economic engine” and that is what is fueling this proposal. Whose economy benefits is not clear. CCA is just the messenger on this topic, with the hope that the elected Town Council will rethink this.
December 8, 2023 @ 8:27 am
This Town Council needs to go, with the exception of 1. Millions of dollars to be spend for an unwanted, unneeded and unnecessary project. Ninigret Park is a gem, and most definitely should be kept as such. Thank you CCA for keeping us updated.
December 5, 2023 @ 11:26 pm
I’ve always wanted a small, permanent performance space which could be used by Chariho kids and other local musicians, but this is ridiculous. I am thoroughly sick of the current council’s attempts to monetize Ninigret, regardless of the environmental impact or the outcry of the Charlestown citizenry. They represent the misguided voters who put them in office and no one else, ignoring anyone who doesn’t want to turn this town into at ATM.
I’ve been told by a friend that the current Council president can be trusted to “do the right thing”. Clearly my friend was mistaken. Hopefully the electorate will remove the current president and all the rest of her “who cares about anything but money” cronies next election.
December 5, 2023 @ 8:26 pm
Unnecessary, unsustainable and not compatible with the current environmental goals of South County. I fear that if this debacle is passed that the cost burden will attract larger events to try and justify costs.
I’d like to see a less agressive, less expensive plan that honors the fragile ecosystem Charlestown has been preserving.
December 5, 2023 @ 4:12 pm
How do I access previous plans?
December 5, 2023 @ 4:16 pm
Hi Virginia, here are links to the 2008 and 2014 plans – Ruth
2008 Ninigret Park Master Plan
2014 Ninigret Park Master Plan
December 5, 2023 @ 3:27 pm
December 5, 2023 @ 2:55 pm
Why would we want to spend 30 million dollars to attract and entertain a bunch of non residents? Even the community center would me open to non residents? This is absolutely crazy talk. Who will make money from this project? I don’t believe it will be the town. Let people go to Newport or Narragansett. We don’t need to be spending 20 or 30 million tax payer dollars. Can’t even get 1 million which was already set aside for conservation but we are going to spend 20 to 30 million for something that most residents don’t want. Crazy talk in my opinion
December 5, 2023 @ 1:22 pm
I want to vote on this plan and my vote will be an emphatic NO
Donna Kelly
December 5, 2023 @ 11:57 am
Thank you for your informative summary.
It’s unclear to me whether residents will ever be given the opportunity to vote on this proposal. Is this something that is within the Town Council’s purview to approve without a referendum of sorts? Shocking, if so, given the expense and effect it would have on taxpayers.
And as I understand it, Rhythm and Roots is a for-profit venture. Why would the Town be investing so heavily in a private concern’s business? Was there ever a report on the financial return that the festival delivers to Charlestown’s coffers? And what increase in return would be predicted if this investment were to be made?
December 5, 2023 @ 11:35 am
I said it before and will say it again you get what you vote for. It’s time to vote in a new town council. These people have shown they don’t have any fiscal responsibility and want to change the fabric of our community.
December 5, 2023 @ 11:34 pm
Amen, brother.
December 5, 2023 @ 11:16 am
At this point in time, other than the members of the Park and Rec subcommittee and our present town council, I have not read or heard one Charlestown resident say “ yes, this is a great idea”. What are we doing here? Do you mean to say that we are going through all this expense so that the park can be open to our residents during the few weeks that the two events are held??? The chair of the subcommittee implied this at the last meeting. I don’t buy this and neither do many of the residents of Charlestown.
December 5, 2023 @ 10:06 am
First and foremost the taxpayers of Charlestown should make any and all decisions on Ninegret. It is a significant proposed amount of taxpayer burden . The area would be negatively impacted on so many levels. The ambient light impact at the top of the list. We have a gem of a natural darkness site that should not be lost. The effect on wildlife from traffic, parking and pollution would be extreme
These proposals are not beneficial to the residents or the future of Charlestown.
December 5, 2023 @ 10:04 am
The Town should be focusing on Preserving the existing Foot Print with Minor upgrades . Aside from the huge estimated cost to the Taxpayers of Charlestown for this lofty concept, the reality is that Ninigret Park is only 2-15 ft above Sea Level. Potential Flood Damage to the “proposed” Structures and Sea Level rise itself, will mean prohibitive Insurance costs, if Available at all.The Town should be making plans to build Berms not Buildings. Less asphalt is good! This is a Folly. No one wants it as proposed. The Taxpayers should not be footing the bill. Just use the Park !!! Its a Gem ! PS This plan in whatever iteration will not be approved by the Federal government as inconsistent with its conveyance to the Town in any event for starters
December 5, 2023 @ 9:46 am
PS I agree that the public input that the consultants have received should be included as an appendix in their proposal, and an analysis of this be presented in the body of the proposal explaining how their proposed plan complies with this input … or if not why not.
December 5, 2023 @ 9:42 am
Many thanks to CCA for their usual comprehensive and thoughtful report.
It is my understanding that neither the 2008 nor the 2014 so called “Master Plans” were approved so they were really “draft” plans and should be referred to as such. Is that correct? If so one asks “why is the current plan based on them ??? Why is it not based on that part of the current 2022 town wide survey that addresses this topic?
Will this or any future plan of this magnitude and cost be required to be put on a ballot for the Charlestown voters to vote on?
December 9, 2023 @ 2:57 pm
Adamant NO vote. This is a ridiculous, environmentally irresponsible, wasteful expenditure of money especially since residents are against it.
December 5, 2023 @ 8:52 am
My vote is also a firm “NO,”,as is true for my husband and each of my neighbors.
December 4, 2023 @ 8:05 pm
Crazy talk. I vote no!
December 4, 2023 @ 6:48 pm
We don’t need more development at Ninigret Park. The citizens of Charlestown should be able to vote on this, instead of our seemingly renegade town council.
December 4, 2023 @ 5:27 pm
Thank you for summarizing everything so clearly and providing the video for those that were not able to attend. Very much appreciated.
It is ridiculous to see the majority town council even looking into these proposals as options for the future of Charlestown, especially considering neighboring towns with significantly higher populations do not even have facilities like these.