Forest Tree Identification Workshop

When: Sunday, June 11 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Kettle Pond Visitor Center, Bend Road, Charlestown
Registration: Please call 401.364.9124 to register, anytime, just leave your name and number
Cost: Free

Learning the fundamentals of basic tree identification is an easy way to begin learning about the environment
around us. During this workshop, participants will learn the basics of tree identification and then practice their new skills on a field walk.

Suggested reading: May Theilgaard Watts: Tree Finder: A Manual for the Identification of Trees by Their Leaves
(Nature Study Guild Publishers, 1991). (Found at Amazon and many other book sellers)

This workshop is led by Pete Stetson. Mr. Stetson is a retired thirty-five-year veteran science teacher from the Coventry Public Schools where he taught Biology, Earth Science and Environmental Science. He was the coach for the school’s Environthon teams for sixteen years, winning the state competition six times and taking those teams to the national competition.

Banner photo is a picture of a pine grove in Charlestown by Cliff Vanover.