Ron Areglado: Pinocchio Is Alive, But Not Well!
The following letter appeared in local newspapers and is shared with us here by the author Ron Areglado. Ron is a 24 year resident of Charlestown; holds a Doctorate in Educational Policy, Research and Planning; is a former principal of elementary schools in Chariho, Warwick and East Greenwich; and a Chariho School Committee member from 2014 to 2018.
On November 1, 2022, a letter from Mr. Clay Johnson, a resident of Richmond, dated October 14, 2022 arrived at my home and the homes of many other Charlestown residents. In his lengthy and baseless conspiracy assertions, he asserts those who oppose his views are “pawns in a scheme to dismantle America!” Wow!
When Clay and I were colleagues on the Chariho School Committee, we enjoyed a cordial relationship, but differed on various philosophical, financial and educational issues. However, his broader irresponsible attacks on education in Chariho and other statewide school districts are both bewildering and inaccurate.
Regarding two specific issues which he cites, Mr. Johnson’s nose has grown exponentially. First, he alleges that the Chariho School Committee’s budget as “one of the highest in the country!” According to the August 2022 USA Facts report on per pupil spending in the United States, Rhode Island is a click above the national average at $17,231.00. The highest state was New York at $25,359. The lowest was Utah at $7,811. This is a far cry from Mr. Clay’s erroneous claim! But, let’s look at states closer to us. The 2021 US Census Bureau per pupil spending report points out that among the six New England States, Rhode Island ranked fifth out of sixth in per pupil expenditures. Maine was ranked sixth.
Furthermore, the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) published its 2020 statewide school year per pupil data. Chariho’s per pupil expenditures were $18,087. This placed the district twenty-first out of sixty reporting school districts! Mr. Johnson needs to check his facts before spewing a false narrative about the district he once served.
As an aside, he conveniently ignores an irrefutable fact. As a former Chariho School Committee member, he knows all too well that Chariho has consistently ranked among the top three school districts in the state as measured by RIDE statewide student assessments. I ask you, Clay, are the proud parents from our three towns that support and applaud the district’s efforts among the “pawns” you chastise?
Secondly, another instance of Mr. Johnson’s “fanciful facts” letter is fraught with disturbing and repulsive allegations attributed to the South Kingstown and North Kingstown school districts. His claims are to be ignored and not worthy of commentary.
In conclusion, Mr. Johnson has done nothing to promote creditable and responsible discourse among voters. Instead, he has placed himself in the hands of a puppet master who has effectively pulled his strings!

Editor’s note: One of the “fanciful facts” that Mr. Johnson put in his letter is a claim that “North Kingstown is putting kitty litter in the bathrooms for students that identify as cats.” That rumor was completely discredited and explained in an addition of The Independent Newspaper on September 15. Let’s elect School Committee members who value excellence in education over silly internet rumors. Please support Chambers, Louzon and Lyall for Chariho School Committee.
November 7, 2022 @ 7:51 am
Many thanks Ron for giving us good, clear and accurate information from one who “nose ! ! ” …. sorry knows ;-))).
It is incredibly tiresome being bombarded by ventings of mis-information and lies from evil people who wish to influence us all to accept their distorted views of the world, and it is very refreshing to have their their fake-data corrected by truly knowledgeable people like yourself, so many thanks again. It is a real shame that you have to spend your time in this way but it is incredibly valuable and valued.