Who To Call With Issues Relating To Quarries And Sand And Gravel Operations
Quarrying and all other extractive industries are a prohibited use in Charlestown, but most existing quarries predate that zoning. State law “grandfathers” these quarries and protects them from regulation. Charlestown first adopted zoning in 1974. Quarries that existed before zoning was enacted in 1974 are “grandfathered” by state law.
Charlestown has submitted legislation to the state legislature to allow us to regulate quarries, but so far we have not been successful in gaining support from legislators outside of South County. The one exception was legislation to reduce fugitive dust from quarrying operations that was passed in 2015 and sponsored by Charlestown’s State Representative Blake Filippi among others.
There are 7 parcels with extractive industries that are believed to have some form of grandfathering in Charlestown, but in order to avoid Zoning issues they must limit activities to only those activities that were in place on the property at the time of the adoption of the town’s first zoning ordinance or to any subsequent approvals they may have received from the Charlestown Zoning Board.
Enforcement of Charletown’s Zoning Ordinance and enforcement of state wetlands or air quality laws are driven by complaints. The town and state do not have staff that randomly check properties for violations. If you believe there is a violation of zoning, wetlands, or air quality laws, you will need to make a complaint. The town or state then makes an investigation.
If you have a question, concern, or complaint, please call the following:
Municipal regulatory concerns, such as hours of operation, or if you believe there is an addition of new extractive uses.
Charlestown’s Building/Zoning Official at 401-364-1215 or jwarner@charlestownri.gov
Call the State Fire Marshal at 401-889-5555.
Complaint form can be found at https://fire-marshal.ri.gov/testingforms/blasting_complaint_form.php
Air Quality/Wetlands Violations
RI Department of Environmental Management’s (DEM) Office of Compliance and Inspection investigates complaints and suspected violations of environmental laws and regulations.
David Chopy, Administrator
401-222-1360, extension 2777400
Email: DEM.Compliance2@dem.ri.gov
You can make anonymous complaints to RI DEM if you believe there are violations of state law dealing with fugitive dust or wetlands, but UNLESS you advise DEM staff that you wish to remain anonymous, complaints are public records and information you forward to DEM will be available for public review.
If you have other questions, concerns, or complaints, please call the Charlestown Police Department at 401-364-1212, and your call will be logged and, if possible, investigated.