Town Writes Follow Up Letter To Federal Railroad Administration
Charlestown’s Town Administrator, Mark Stankiewicz, has written again to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) asking for clarification on the New Haven to Providence Capacity Planning Study. The concern is that the study leaves open the door for new rail alignments that could negatively impact Charlestown’s residents and natural resources. The Town has had no response to its August letter to the FRA. The text of Mr. Stankiewicz’s newest letter to the FRA is below.
Visit The Railroad Page To Learn More About Past Work To Stop The Bypass
December 12, 2021 @ 10:28 am
Where do Langevin and Cicillini each stand on this issue?
December 11, 2021 @ 5:07 am
Don’t expect a quick reply or even an informative one, if a reply is sent at all. If we get a reply it will most likely come from a lower level functionary who really is not authorized to pass on substantive information. A quicker and more informative reaction would come from a response to Senator Reed who is in the FRA funding mix. That could be the town’s next step in getting a meaningful response from the FRA Administrator.
December 11, 2021 @ 6:09 pm
There was a response from the Congressional Delegation. They said they would support whatever the state wanted. The problem with that is that the state may want something quite different from what Charlestown or South County wants.