Charlestown Climate Resiliency Commission On Town Council Agenda
What: Public Hearing on the creation of the Charlestown Climate Resiliency Commission
When: Monday, December 13 at 7 p.m.
Where: Town Council Meeting, Town Hall, 4540 South County Trail
Town Councilor Susan Cooper proposed forming a Climate Resiliency Commission dedicated to studying and analyzing the issues surrounding climate change as they impact Charlestown. To that end, she and Town Councilor Cody Clarkin have interviewed town staff and other experts and are proposing the ordinance language below in order to create the new commission. In part, the commission will work to protect the quality of life for Charlestown residents and minimize climate change effects on the community as much as is possible.
The ordinance to create the commission had its first reading at the November 8th Town Council meeting and will be discussed in detail at the December 13th Town Council meeting. If the ordinance is passed on December 13, residents should apply for the commission if they are interested in volunteering.
If you cannot attend the meeting, you can view the live meeting via Webex, but because of state law you cannot participate in the public hearing unless you are present at the meeting.
The proposed ordinance language to create the commission is below.
Chapter 12 Charlestown Climate Resiliency Commission
§ 12-1 Establishment.
There is hereby established a Charlestown Climate Resiliency Commission.
§ 12-2 Membership.
A. The Charlestown Climate Resiliency Commission shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Town Council. At least three (3) of the five (5) members shall have backgrounds and experience in environmental or life sciences. Initial appointees shall be for the following terms: three (3) shall be appointed for three-year terms and two (2) shall be appointed for two-year terms. Thereafter, as terms expire, appointments, other than interim appointments, shall be made in January and shall be for terms of three (3) years.
B. Said Commissioners shall hold their respective offices until their successors are qualified.
§ 12-3 Compensation.
Members of the Commission shall serve without pay.
§ 12-4 Officers.
The Commission shall organize annually by electing a Chairman, Vice Chairman and a secretary.
§ 12-5 Bylaws.
The Commission shall adopt bylaws for the performance of the duties prescribed by law and this chapter.
§ 12-6 Meetings, records and annual report.
A. The Commission shall hold regular meetings, preferably monthly, which shall be open to the public. Special meetings shall be held at the call of the Chairman or upon the request of three (3) of the members.
B. Any person or his duly constituted representative shall be entitled to appear and be heard on any matter before the Commission.
C. All records of Commission proceedings, resolutions and actions shall be open to public view, and the Commission shall forward an annual report of its actions and meetings to the Town Clerk’s office.
§ 12-7 Duties.
The duties of the Charlestown Climate Resiliency Commission shall be to study and analyze issues and impacts of climate change and global warming, development of strategies, policies and plans for mitigation of and adaptation to impacts from climate change and global warming. In addition, the Commission shall undertake efforts and actions to preserve and improve the quality of life for Charlestown residents and reduce or eliminate future detrimental climate change effects on the community that is within the capacity of local policies and actions. In addition, the Commission shall undertake to disseminate information to Town residents concerning the aforesaid impacts of climate change and global warming and the Town’s strategies, policies and plans for mitigation of these impacts.
§ 12-8 Technical Assistance.
Within the limits of the funds appropriated to it and subject to the approval of the Town Council, the Commission may engage technical or clerical assistance to aid in the discharge of its duties.
§ 12-9 Cooperative Agreements.
The Commission may, subject to the approval of the Town Council and the limits of the funding appropriated to it, enter into cooperative agreements with any city, town, state, regional or federal agency or private organization to undertake studies deemed to be in the interest of the Town including cooperative agreements with cities or towns in neighboring states where problems of mutual or common interest are deemed to exist. The Commission may be authorized to accept technical and financial assistance from other public agencies or private organizations subject to the approval of the Town Council.
§ 12-10 Additional Funding
To aid in the discharge of its duties, the Commission may, subject to the approval of the Town Council, seek funding or grant monies from private sources or local, state, and federal government or agency sources.
December 12, 2021 @ 6:48 pm
So relieved to hear this is being addressed!
December 12, 2021 @ 10:12 am
Good idea Susan and Cody. I would suggest that the commission be a mix of generations, say for example 30 and under, 30-50, and 50+ so that short, medium and long term issues all get addressed
December 12, 2021 @ 9:55 am
A note of caution. The RI Infrastructure Bank has contracted with The Nature Conservancy to lead Municipal Resilience Plan for towns in RI. At least in the case of Westerly, The Nature Conservancy has used the MRP as a vehicle to insert their own agenda items into the Town’s Comprehensive Plan without such items receiving a thorough review by the public. As a result, the Town Council has been distracted from the real resilience issues we face. Contact me if you want more details.
December 12, 2021 @ 11:16 am
Charlestown’s new Comprehensive Plan was approved by the town this spring and has already been approved by all state agencies.