Quonnie Breachway Resiliency Project Feedback

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. was recently contracted to design and present coastal resiliency strategies for Quonnie Breachway, a popular boating and fishing access site in Charlestown.

A grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Coastal Resiliency Fund is providing funding for this work, along with state funds from saltwater fishing license receipts.

The public was invited to participate in an information session on Thursday, November 18, regarding coastal resiliency at Quonochontaug Breachway. A recording of that meeting is available. You will need the access passcode mwy73$p4 to view the video.

You can also view the Quonnie Resiliency project  meeting slides.

If you want to comment, please provide your feedback via e-mail to DEM.projects@dem.ri.gov by November 30, 2021.

Banner image is a photo of Sheila and Ken Andrew picking up litter at the Quonochontaug Breachway on October 16 during the town-wide litter pick-up day.