Sign Up For CodeRED For Emergency Alerts And Charlestown Email Newsletter For General Updates

There are two ways to sign up to receive certain information from the town automatically. To sign up for each type, click each of the links below.

Sign Up For The Charlestown Email Newsletter To Receive General Information

In order to receive general information, visit Charlestown’s Email Newsletter sign-up page. You will be prompted to enter your email address. You’ll then be given some options on email topics you want to receive.

Sign Up For CodeRED To Receive Emergency Alerts

If you would like to sign up for Charlestown’s emergency notification system, known as CodeRED, please access the town’s CodeRED sign-up page, and then follow the data prompts to enter your personal information.

You can sign up with your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, or you can create an account with a unique name and password.

To sign up for CodeRED,  select emergency information only, because the town uses CodeRED solely for emergency information, not general information.

Update your phone number in CodeRed. Many in town who have signed up in the past have not updated their information. For example if you signed up with a land line that you no longer own, you won’t get the emergency call.

In the summer of 2019 there was a manhunt for a fugitive who had escaped into the woods in northern Charlestown. Many of the residents of Old Mill Road and Carolina did not get the notice to stay in their homes because their phone numbers previously submitted to the CodeRED system were no longer in service.

During a hurricane, the CodeRED system would be used before and after the storm to alert residents to such things as the location of emergency shelters before the storm and sources of drinking water and other help after the storm.

Signing up for CodeRED is totally voluntary. To learn more about CodeRED in general, you can visit the CodeRED website. But to sign up for Charlestown’s CodeRED, please visit the town’s CodeRED sign-up page.

Signing up for one service does not sign you up for the other.

If you want to receive both, you have to sign up for both.