Changes To CCA’s Daily Blog Email
Most of our readers are signed up to receive the CCA newsletter which is handcrafted and sent about once a week from our website. A smaller group of subscribers receive an automated email with all of the previous day’s blog posts whenever there is new content.
That daily digest of the CCA Blog, has been sent by Feedburner. Feedburner is a management service that provides custom management tools for bloggers. It was founded in 2004 and acquired by Google in 2007. Google is now discontinuing Feedburner’s email subscription service.
All of our readers who were receiving the “daily” automated email will be transferred to a new email list that will do what Feedburner did, and send an email to list members whenever there is new content in the CCA Blog on the previous day.
If you are not currently receiving the “daily” email, but would like to receive new content whenever it is published, you can signup for our Blog’s Daily Digest.
If you use Gmail, the “daily” email will appear under your promotions tab in the same way our newsletters do.
The banner image is a photo of a Monarch Butterfly on a Zinnia in Charlestown by Cliff Vanover. The photo has nothing to do with Feedburner, but we think it makes a nice banner image anyway.
June 27, 2021 @ 8:23 am
Is this an either/or … or can one do both?
June 27, 2021 @ 10:04 am
You can do both.