Read A Summary Of Charlestown Comprehensive Plan
The Charlestown Planning Commission and Planning Department have created a slideshow to summarize the 2020 draft of Charlestown’s Comprehensive Plan. Please click on the blue button below to page through the summary.
Click To Read Summary Of Charlestown Comprehensive PlanPlease have a look at the summary and email your comments to Also if you have photographs of Charlestown landscapes, wildlife, historic buildings, events or any other photographs that you think tell a story about Charlestown, please also email these to and they may be included in the final Comprehensive plan. Please include the photographer’s name so they can be given attribution.
If you want to read more, the entire plan is available for review at the Town’s website.
A continued joint public hearing on the proposed new Comprehensive Plan is scheduled by the Town Council and Planning Commission for May 4th at 7 PM. Click to join the virtual meeting.
Banner photo of a Barred Owl in Charlestown by Cliff Vanover.
April 5, 2021 @ 11:23 am
As always many thanks to the town Planning Dept and the volunteers on the Planning Commission for all their dedication and hard work, especially for having the stamina for those meetings that go on until midnight :-(((((
Has the link to this summary been sent to the consulting company that is designing the upcoming town-wide survey for their information and guidance?