Charlestown’s Choice: Responsible Government Or Crazy Talk
The following letter appeared in local newspapers and is shared with us here by the author Bonnie Van Slyke. Bonnie Van Slyke is a member of the Charlestown Town Council and a candidate for Town Council in the 2020 election.
Candidates endorsed by Charlestown Residents United see the main issues facing the town as “crony politics” and a “shadow government.” That is their platform, and it is crazy talk. The facts do not support these conspiracy theories that are being used as a political weapon against honest individuals.
Candidates endorsed by the Charlestown Citizens Alliance have long championed protecting our irreplaceable natural and scenic resources because these are linked directly to our healthy tourist economy, our health, and our low tax rate. CCA candidates have called for responsible development and have opposed unfettered, willy-nilly residential and commercial developments that benefit developers and large corporations, not our residents and local businesses.
These independent candidates have solid records of achievement and are not aligned with any special interests. They are civil and have good judgment. You can trust what each of these candidates says. And, you can trust that each of them will act in the best interests of all the residents of the town.
I urge you to vote for the candidates endorsed by CCA. I urge you to vote for the last five Town Council candidates on the ballot (Van Slyke, Cooper, Clarkin, Wilkinson, and Andrew); to vote for Platner, Foer, Topping, and Mahony for Planning Commission; to vote for Areglado for moderator; and to vote for McAllister for Chariho School Committee.

You can learn more about Bonnie at her profile page.