CCA Preserving Our High-Quality Rural Environment

The following letter was submitted to local newspapers and is shared with us here by the author Susan Cooper. Ms. Cooper is a member of the Charlestown Zoning Board.

I am a relatively new resident of Charlestown who was attracted by the beautiful beaches, salt ponds, and miles of forested trails, which I hope will be available for all to enjoy for many years to come.

Having delved into local government, I’ve been gratified to learn that the Charlestown Citizens Alliance (CCA) shares my hopes. In its leadership roles on the Town Council and Planning Commission, CCA has prioritized the stewardship of our high-quality rural environment.

In just the last year, the town has undertaken numerous projects to preserve and improve our wonderful environmental assets. For example, the dredging of the two salt pond breachways improved access and enhanced the water quality of the nearby beaches and salt marshes. In addition, street lights and lights at Town Hall were converted to dark sky compliant, energy-saving LEDs. Working in conjunction with the DEM, the town improved facilities and added open space at Watchaug Pond.

The Town’s first Earth Day roadside clean-up was led by citizens with assistance from the Town. Miles of trails through conserved spaces were maintained by volunteers.

Finally, under CCA leadership, the town objected to the DEM’s placement of commercial campgrounds in Burlingame Park north. The town received assurance from the DEM director that nothing was planned and that the town would be consulted about any future changes.

Under CCA leadership, the town has accomplished the above while maintaining our low tax rate and sound financial footing.

Looking forward, I am confident that under CCA leadership the town will continue to preserve the high-quality rural environment of our community, surely one of our most important assets.

Susan Cooper

Banner image is a photo of a of Watchaug Pond by Cliff Vanover.