Leo Mainelli: Charlestown – Affordable And Well Managed Thanks To CCA
The following letter was submitted to local newspapers and is reprinted here with permission of the author Leo Mainelli. Mr. Mainelli is President of the Charlestown Citizens Alliance.
The Charlestown Citizens Alliance (CCA) has held the leadership role in the Town Council and Planning Commission for the last decade and has accumulated an outstanding record for good governance, while maintaining the character of the Town and the low tax rate. These are the three items most often cited as important by citizens when we speak with them.
All of this has been accomplished while earning the best possible rating from our auditors and the bonding companies serving us. In addition, CCA has been responsive to our voters, and when a majority were not in favor of a new community center, our CCA Councilors reduced the tax rate instead. Our Town facilities are well maintained and our essential equipment is up to date. In the past few years Buckeye Brook Road and Burdickville Raod have been resurfaced to meet modern safety and construction standards, and the Old Mill Project is underway.
Our Town government is running smoothly, thanks to our professional town staff and an excellent Town Administrator. Please support our Town by attending meetings of the town council and various Commissions and Committees.
Also, sign in to our CCA website for articles of town news, and information about general activity taking place in Town, or effecting Charlestown, at charlestowncitizens.org. While there, sign up for our email list to receive occasional mail about specific activity, and scheduling information.