Self Storage on Planning Commission Agenda
Bonnie Van Slyke, the author of this post, is a member of the Charlestown Town Council and also serves as the Town Council Liaison to the Planning Commission. A version of Bonnie’s letter was submitted to the local newspapers.
On Wednesday, July 24, at 7 p.m. at the Charlestown Town Hall, the Charlestown Planning Commission will continue the public informational meeting on the Master Plan application of Storage Place LLC to build a self-storage facility on property on the pond side of Rt. 1 between the Hitching Post and the Willows Annex (Lot 77, Map 5, and a portion of Lot 81, Map 5).
The property is located in a C3 zone, and a self-storage facility is an allowed use in the zone. The project is currently in a flood zone and calls for elevating the site by 1 foot at the road and by 6 feet at the rear of the lot. Fill would be trucked to the site. During the course of the public hearing, the applicant has submitted a revised plan showing two 15,000-square foot buildings rather than five buildings.
The applicant has requested a number of continuances, all of which have been granted by the Commission. To date, the applicant has presented its proposed development project. In addition, the Planning Commission has questioned the applicant and its experts; heard oral and written arguments from property owners within the notice area, as well as from other members of the public; heard and questioned experts representing a number of the property owners within the notice area; and heard testimony from Planning Commission experts, such as its engineering consultant Pare Engineering of Lincoln, RI.
At the upcoming meeting, the Planning Commission will hear additional oral arguments from property owners and others, from experts representing a number of the property owners within the notice area, and from the applicant and its experts.
The planning board must approve the master plan as submitted, approve with changes and/or conditions, or deny the application. The deadline for the Planning Commission to issue a decision is August 28, 2019. In making its decision, the Planning Commission will consider information submitted on the natural and built features of the surrounding neighborhood, the proposed design concept, proposed public improvements and dedications, and potential neighborhood impacts, and the like.

You can learn more about Bonnie at her profile page.
The banner image in this post shows proposed street side elevations of the storage buildings.