Video: Onboard A Dredging Machine On Quonochontaug Pond
Thanks to Bob Petrone for sharing another informative video!
On Friday, December 14, J. F. Brennan Company gave Bob Petrone, and Art Ganz and Richard Sarter of the Salt Ponds Coalition the opportunity to go onboard one of the two dredging machines currently working in Quonochontaug Pond. This provided a great opportunity for Bob to film up close the dredging machine at work and to film as Art Ganz described how the dredging will benefit habitat and water quality.
For more explanation see our previous posts at Salt Marsh Restoration Work Begins At Quonochontaug Pond and Video of Launch of Quonnie Dredge
January 19, 2019 @ 1:31 pm
We have just walked one mile on black, slimy, stinking beach at Charlestown. While we understand the need to dredge the pond why are ruining the beautiful sandy beach. The beach is Charlestown ‘ s greatest asset.
Why can you not dump the slurry somewhere else. I come from Holland and we know how to reclaim the land.
December 20, 2018 @ 6:19 am
Very informative. This helps Charlestown residents understand how important the natural environment is to our recreational and economic quality of life. Natural landscapes need to be protected and enhanced as much as possible. Although marshlands can be created, it is more economical to maintain the wetlands we have.