Carla and Russ Ricci: Lee, Carroccia, Van Slyke and Platner Protected Amos Green Farm
Dear Charlestown Voters,
A month ago hundreds gathered together to learn about the American Revolution by watching it acted out alive by re-enactors on the muster grounds of the Amos Green farm in Charlestown.
This past summer over 50 families statewide were fed fresh vegetables grown every week at the Amos Green farm. The last of the season’s crop was served at Crossroads in Providence.
In June, a road race for runners started and ended in the fields of the Amos Green farm.
Also in June, the ladies of the DAR had their picnic in the back yard of the Amos Green farm.
And in July, Curly Fenner, age 85, cut the hay for the 45th year at the Amos Green farm. In August, his cows were turned out to graze.
And this week, 3000 garlic bulbs are being planted to be ready for the first crop next summer.
All of these events were possible because the citizens of Charlestown rose up in the winter of 2016 to fight off the RR proposal and they were led by Lee, Carroccia,Van Slyke and Platner.
And with real courage, and little visible support from other senior government officials, Gov Raimondo stood up to the RR and opposed the RR’s plan of decimating the northern part of Charlestown, including the Amos Green farm.
As we go to vote this week, I hope we all congratulate ourselves for fighting for what we love about Charlestown and also keep the leadership of Lee, Carroccia and Van Slyke and the Governor’s courage in mind and say thank you as we vote.
Carla and Russ Ricci
Owners of the Amos Green Farm
November 5, 2018 @ 8:42 am
Congratulations Carla and Russ on your victory for historical preservation. Your farm is a fascinating and educational place to visit. Many thanks for all your hard work.
Best regards.