Kim Coulter: CRU Candidates Sat Out Fight Against Railroad
The following letter appeared in local newspapers and is reprinted here with permission of the author Kim Coulter. Kim is an owner of the four generation Stoney Hill Cattle Company.
Not being one to engage in political rhetoric, at this time I feel obligated to respond to Kenneth Robbins’ letter to the editor, “Clarifying the railroad proposal in Charlestown,” in The Westerly Sun on Tuesday, Oct. 16, regarding Charlestown and the high speed train.
It is apparent that you are completely uninformed about the facts. I would have lost my family farm, a farm that has been in my family for generations, had the initial proposed route for the high-speed train not been defeated. Many homes, tribal lands, the Carter Preserve, the Amos Greene Farm, and other preserved land would have been destroyed. Just so you know, my family, my neighbors and my community are still at risk!
The Charlestown Town Council voted in a public meeting with over 500 attendees to oppose the Federal Railroad Administration’s plans. Our town administrator was well within his authority to hire an expert who would keep an eye on future federal and state railroad plans. The person that was hired is an expert, and has fought with us every inch of the way. This is not at all unlike how the town would hire legal counsel or an accounting firm should the need arise. Better, too, this expert is available at a very reasonable price.
I don’t understand why you would use my community’s misfortune and the agony we have gone through for your political party’s purpose. Shame on you!
I will vote for candidates based on their character, and what they can offer our town, in keeping with its rural character and charm. I will vote for Charlestown Citizens Alliance-endorsed candidates Virginia Lee, Julie Carroccia and Bonnie Van Slyke, who worked to defeat the train for all Charlestown residents, and who saved my home, as well as our community. In my opinion, they have listened to all citizens and act effectively to represent the larger good of the town against state and federal issues. They have my respect, and my vote.
If your Charlestown Residents United are so concerned about our town, why weren’t they involved in fighting for us regarding the train? I never heard from them! As a matter of fact, I made it a priority to attend whatever meetings I could from Massachusetts to Connecticut and all over Rhode Island. I never saw any of you at any of the meetings. You see, the ones that really do care about our town were present! It makes me wonder, if your home and community were at risk, would you appreciate having to defend the town’s actions in preserving your rights?
In a comment to one of your letters, I offered to meet with anyone, at any time, to discuss the facts of the high speed train. To this day, no one has reached out.
As they say, why let the truth get in the way of a good story!
Kim Coulter
The banner image in this post is a view of the Stoney Hill Cattle Company from Shumunkanuc Hill Road.
November 2, 2018 @ 2:21 pm
Go CCA, the people who care, who act, and are transparent about it, not unlike others who are extremely opaque, except for their past actions or inactions.
November 2, 2018 @ 11:30 am
November 2, 2018 @ 11:21 am
Well said Kim!