Proposed Communications Tower Diminishes Beauty Of Our Landscape
The following letter was written on behalf of the Charlestown Town Council and appeared in local newspapers. It is shared with us here by the author George C. Tremblay. Mr. Tremblay is a member of the Charlestown Town Council.
The Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency proposes to erect a free-standing communications tower at the intersection of South County Trail and U.S. Route 1. The proposed tower would share the site occupied by the state salt barn at Cross Mills. At its July meeting, the Charlestown Town Council felt confident it reflected public opinion when it expressed its unanimous horror at the prospect of a 178 foot skeletal communications tower looming over our major coastline artery. Visible for miles in all directions, the tower would be an eyesore that defiles our scenic highway and the surrounding landscape.
Communications towers are not admired as works of art, but they are a necessity in protecting the public welfare. Several already exist in the area, and it has not been made evident why new hardware attached to one of the existing towers could not satisfy the need for public safety. Erection of new towers calls for the utmost discretion if we are to preserve the beauty of our landscape.
Furthermore, we understand this to be a business venture by Motorola. No doubt, in time, the tower can be expected to host a number of attachments to accommodate a variety of commercial interests. We must ask, “Is this an appropriate use of public property?”
The Town Council knows of no adverse regional incident resulting from inadequate emergency communication. We have seen no evidence of a regional threat to public safety through an inability to communicate with first responders. The proposed tower appears to be an obnoxious solution to a non-existent problem. It will despoil the landscape, to no meaningful purpose. We strongly oppose its needless intrusion.

July 19, 2018 @ 7:31 pm
Thanks, George. Very Helpful.
When provided the truth and a complete set of facts, most people understand the problem. When knee jerk reaction to this issue, as exhibited in the Westerly Sun editorial section, many people are led down the wrong path. Thanks for lighting the path for the citizens of Charlestown.
July 18, 2018 @ 2:18 pm
Thank you George! Thank you for exposing Motorola.
I am very concerned about big corporate business taking advantages of our beautiful town. Thank you so much for standing up to protect it.
Please also don’t forget about negative impact the tower would make on bird migration in the area. It would not only be an eyesore, but also a major intruder to the wildlife.
July 17, 2018 @ 2:09 pm
I believe I addressed this when the tower was first mention , that the Tower at our Police Station is almost within shouting distance. What is it about our current tower that does NOT meet the area’s safety needs ?
Is this another grab for monies for the state’s General Fund under the guise of “Public Safety”
July 17, 2018 @ 9:55 am
Hear, hear! Thank you Mr. Tremblay.
July 17, 2018 @ 8:49 am
Thank you George for communicating the community feelings on this matter. What is Rhode Islands Emergency Managements response to our, the citizens of Charlestowns’ opposition. What legal action if any can we take to stop this. Besides the aesthetics there are health concerns and risks associated with radio and cell tower frequency emmisions in residential areas. Is there a monetary incentive being given to the RIEM for sacrificing our towns health and tranquility. I thought we were considered a scenic roadway ?
July 17, 2018 @ 8:47 am
So well said George. How does that awful Tower fit in with our most scenic highway designation for Route 1 and this small town of Charlestown. Thank you for bringing the facts to light in this letter.
July 15, 2018 @ 11:52 am
Great letter, George! I couldn’t agree more. Thanks so much for doing your best to protect our beautiful Charlestown community.