Charlestown’s Charter Review Has Begun

The following letter was submitted to local newspapers and is shared with us here by the author Bonnie Van Slyke. Bonnie Van Slyke is a member of the Charlestown Town Council.

There has been much interest in the Charter Revision Advisory Committee that will review Charlestown’s Home Rule Charter and advise the Town Council of its findings.

This committee is comprised of three experienced and superbly qualified individuals who will provide a well-seasoned perspective as the committee conducts this important review.

One individual, Larry Dunn, is a parliamentarian for an international organization, served on the Planning Commission for 18 years, and was a member of the committee that searched for the current Town Administrator. Another, Jan Knost, who has served on the Planning Commission, is a retired minister. The third, Marjorie Frank, served on the Charlestown Town Council for four years and as its president for two of those years.

Still there has been much ado by partisans about appointments to the Committee. They have not said why a committee made up of superbly qualified and dedicated public servants, each representing one of the three major political domains, is not to their liking. Nor has it been revealed what exactly they would like to see changed in the Home Rule Charter. Most certainly, however, the composition of the committee assures their views will be heard and considered carefully.

Charlestown’s Charter review has begun. The Committee is soliciting input from all who would like to comment, and I encourage anyone interested to attend meetings or send comments to the Committee care of the Town Clerk at or 4540 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI 02813.

Bonnie Van Slyke