178-foot Rt. 1 Radio Tower On Town Council Agenda
When: Monday, April 9 at 7pm
Where: Charlestown Town Hall
What: On the agenda for discussion and a possible vote by the Town Council at Monday’s meeting is an authorization of the Town Administrator, Town Treasurer and Town Solicitor to take action to protect Charlestown with respect to the 178 foot radio tower proposed for scenic Rt. 1.
The full agenda item follows:
Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Authorization of an Expenditure Not to Exceed $25,000.00 from Budget Line Item 01.960.9625.000 (Council Contingency) to Take Any Necessary Action to Ensure the Public Health and Safety of the Citizens of Charlestown Concerning the Federal Communications Commission Filing A1088475 for the Construction of a 178 Foot Tall Self-Supported Tower and Associated Equipment at 4782 Post Road in Charlestown; and Authorization of the Town Administrator, Town Treasurer and Town Solicitor, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing, or Any Take Any Other Action Relative Thereto
April 6, 2018 @ 2:04 pm
I believe that there is a similar tower a mile away at the Police station, do we really need two towers within a mile of each other? This part of Cross Mills is a beautiful,rural mostly residential area of Charlestown that a 178′ tall tower would destroy the quaint, neighborhood ambiance of the area. I vote NO!
April 6, 2018 @ 9:51 am
Has the town identified a more appropriate site for this tower?