Going to the Rally? – Need Ideas for Signs?
Going to the January 25 4:30 pm State House Rally against the Bypass and for all the wonderful things we might lose?
You can bring signs that state your objection to the Bypass, but please note that Capitol Police do not allow any handles on the placards, so they should be sturdy enough to hold up and not flex too much.
Need ideas for signs? Here are some slogans that have been proposed.
- Don’t “Bypass” the Carter Preserve
- Make history proud!
- Farm to Table not Farm to Tracks
- Get on the Right Track for Rhode Island and Drop the Bypass
- No Trails to Rails
- Don’t Railroad Rhode Island Wetlands
- Save Rhode Island’s Historic Mill Villages
- Don’t Railroad a Wild and Scenic River
- Save Rhode Island Parks – Park the Train in existing Tracks
- Don’t Take Tribal Land For A Train Ride
- Bag the Bypass
- Drop the Bypass
- Skip the Bypass
- Keep Amtrak on Current Tracks
- Use Current Amtrak Right-of-Way
- NO Charlestown Chunnel
- Save Charlestown Farms
- Save RI Taxpayer Dollars – – No Bypass
- Preserve and Conserve
- Our Environment Matters
- Save our Farms
- We count, We vote, We remember
- Perpetuity Means Forever
- Eco-tourism in Charlestown Equals Tax Revenue to RI
- Derail Bypass
- Westerly Needs Water
- Birds are Against the Bypass
- Food isn’t grown in a grocery store. Save our farms.
- Stay on Course
- When did PERPETUITY mean whenever?
- Don’t Railroad South County
- Preserved forever, not just until the government wants our land
Got better ideas? Please share them!
The banner image at top of page is from a photograph of the meadow in the Carter Preserve by Cliff Vanover.
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