Federal Railroad Administration’s New Trails to Rails Program?

Since the mid 20th century, when many railroad companies went bankrupt and abandoned miles of rail beds, an effort has been underway to turn their defunct rights-of-way into parkland for bicyclers and walkers, popularly called “Rails to Trails.”
Under the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) proposal in Charlestown, the existing rail lines will not be converted to trails, they will remain to be used for rolling freight and slower trains. Charlestown would end up with four rails, the existing rail lines that run from Kenyon, through Shannock, Carolina, and Wood River Junction, and two new high speed rails running through over 2000 acres of parkland, including the 1,112 acre Francis Carter Preserve.
We believe this magnitude of parkland conversion to transportation use is unprecedented. We’ve dubbed this program “Trails to Rails”. Sadly this isn’t a joke.
The image below is a trail map for the Carter Preserve showing existing and proposed rail lines.

Images and text in this post by Cliff Vanover
January 7, 2017 @ 10:50 am
Unfortunately, there may be so many people at the meeting on January 10th
at Charlestown Elementary School, it will be postponed because of violating the
maximum number of people allowed by the Fire Marshall in the cafeteria and Gym.
Many out-of-towners who use the walking trails at the Carter Preserve are up in arms and are planning on attending the meeting.
Other local towns are interested in this topic also.
It would be good to have a backup plan, just in case.
Charlestown Elementary School is the biggest venue in Charlestown, and town meetings
may have to take place in town.
January 7, 2017 @ 11:24 am
Good point Cheryl. Others have raised that concern and the town staff are aware of that issue and have a solution. Not sure what it is, but they have considered this and said they have a plan.
January 7, 2017 @ 8:18 am
Poor communications is a side issue. The issue of importance here is the destruction of homes, the displacement of residents, the forfeiture of prized conservation lands, and the violation of Native American sovereign territory, all to save a minute or two in travel time through Charlestown, and even that savings is questionable.
Contact information for your congressmen and local leaders is printed in local papers. Let them know how you feel about this proposed project.
January 6, 2017 @ 6:15 pm
This is making me kind of sick. Feel like I need a barf bag. We taxpayers are certainly being Railroaded. Everything in Secrecy hopeing right before Christmas, the citizens envolved ( that means all of South County) wouldn’t see this stuff. Well surprise. Surprise. Now for years DEM, LAND TRUSTS, WETLANDS, HISTORICAL LANDS,ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATIVE AMERICAN CONCERNS FARMLAND AND HOMES were funded by taxpayers in bonds all for preservation of pristine lands. NOW HERE COMES THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ALONG WITH OUR SENATORS WHO THINK THIS IS A GREAT IDEA. Just what do we hear from senator Reed and Whitehouse. Do they think it’s a great idea? All we hear from them are crickets.
All south county towns should be represented at the public hearing on JAN 10, 2017 at the CHARLESTOWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL at 7:00 PM. We need the support of taxpayers from all over the state for the taxpayer will find out later that THE TAXPAYER WILL BE ON THE HOOK HERE IN RHODE ISLAND. The estimated cost is astronomical into the BILLIONS FOLKS. See you on JAN 10 at 7:00 pm. Thank you .