Resident Initiates Online Petition to Stop Railway Re-routing Plan
Charlestown resident Kevin Tanner has set up a petition at to let State and Federal officials know there is local opposition to the proposed railway path in Charlestown. The petition already has over 1000 signatures.
You can go to the petition and read all about it by clicking on the button below.
Sign The has its own political point of view, but the content of the petition is that of the person who sets it up. If you sign the petition, you’ll get an email confirming and suggesting you invite your friends to sign. You’ll then get an email from You can unsubscribe from the list if you want by going to the bottom of the email and click on the link to remove yourself.
Visit Our Railroad Page For More On This Issue
December 22, 2016 @ 5:11 pm
Is there a map showing the proposed route through Charlestown?
December 22, 2016 @ 9:10 pm scroll down for maps in this post
December 22, 2016 @ 9:07 am
Isn’t about time we stopped this NIMBYISM. The Nineteeth Century Railroad bed is laughable. We have trains that can go 200 miles an hour and DO all over Europe and Asia. and we limit them to 60 miles an hour here.
You can construct railroad beds that do not harm wetlands and allow access through and across land trust preserves. Focus on doing that ! Not stopping much needed public transportation progress.
December 21, 2016 @ 9:40 pm
Kevin thanks for your fast, hard work on behalf of concerned citizens.
December 21, 2016 @ 12:06 am
Thank you for posting this. I also just finished setting up a group on Facebook (fully public) for anyone looking to gain or share more information and discuss this topic. It can be found here :