Town Council Passes Resolution Requesting Legislation to Control Blasting
Under current state law, blasting at quarries and construction sites can take place without advance notice to those who live nearby and who may be adversely affected by noise or vibrations. To give residents time to prepare for blasting near their homes, the Town Council unanimously passed the following resolution at their December 14 meeting asking that state regulations be changed to require a minimum of two weeks notice. The resolution was introduced by Town Councilors George Tremblay and Tom Gentz.
WHEREAS, the residents of Charlestown and other cities and towns are plagued with undesirable effects of blasting for roads, ledge removal, reduction of boulders, home site preparation and quarrying; and
WHEREAS, currently no notice to abutters or those nearby is required in advance of blasting; and
WHEREAS, no rules and regulations exist to protect citizens from damage to their property as a result of unannounced blasting; and
WHEREAS, abutters and those nearby are surprised and frightened by unanticipated blasting; and
WHEREAS, the health, safety and welfare of citizens are compromised by and at the mercy of blasters; and
WHEREAS, the State Fire Marshall now has the authority to grant blasting permits without notification of abutters or those nearby the same day the permit is requested, in many cases in residential areas;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following statutes, rules and regulations be implemented by the R.I. General Assembly; A two (2) week notice in advance of blasting via registered mail to any abutter within 500 feet of the property line of the blast site to allow for safe storage of vulnerable valuables and establishment of pre-blast condition of wells, foundations, chimneys, and other improvements; and that duplicate notification be provided to local police departments, fire departments, building and zoning offices and fire marshals; and that we, the Town Council of the Town of Charlestown, Rhode Island, respectfully request R.I. General Assembly support for preparing the necessary legislation to establish appropriate rules and regulations for implementation by the State Fire Marshall’s office to protect residents, and abutters and those nearby from the physical and mental costs of unanticipated blasting near residential areas.
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby instructed to submit a copy of this resolution to the Charlestown Senators Dennis Algiere and Elaine Morgan and House Representative Blake Filippi, and to all Rhode Island Cities and Towns, all Rhode Island Legislators, Speakers of the House and Senate, the State Fire Marshall and the Governor seeking their consideration of and support for this Resolution.