South Farm Preserve

Owned by the Town of Charlestown since 2002, this 87 acre property was purchased with a Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management open space grant and Town Open Space Bond funds.
The property consists of approximately 2,700 feet of undeveloped frontage on Old Coach Road and together with the Nature Conservancy land on the opposite side of the road, it protects a long section of the scenic and undeveloped northern end of Old Coach Road. The acquisition of this property has preserved a sense of the rural and agricultural character of this road for future generations. The property is mainly forested, but also contains two large fields which are hayed, a small pond, and other wetlands.
There is a parking lot on the property that leads to hiking trails and a reconstructed Sheep Barn.
Located across Old Coach Road from Pasquiset Preserve. These two preserves provide a nearly 350 acre complex for conservation, wildlife, and passive recreation.