Ninigret Conservation Area

East State Beach, takes up three miles of undeveloped beach frontage. East Beach is one of the least developed of the Rhode Island state beaches and one of the most spectacular. And nowhere is it more beautiful than on a walk along the water\’s edge miles away from cars and parking lots.
You can enter at either the Town\’s Blue Shutter\’s Beach, or in the State Beach Parking lot. Then walk to the beach, face the water, and take a left at the surf and walk east to the Breachway. The round trip is about 6 miles. You can extend your walk to 7.5 miles by including a walk in the surf to the west towards Quonochontaug. East Beach is public, but the beaches toward Quonnie are private. The beach below the mean high tide line is public, even on private beaches, so if you stay within that area, you\’ll be fine.
Walking towards the breachway, the crowds of people quickly thin out and you\’ll see Piping Plovers and other birds. During Piping Plover nesting season, the nest areas close to the dune grass will be roped off to protect the eggs. Stay clear of these areas and instead enjoy watching the Plovers gathering food at the waters edge.